I'm using Stata BE17 to run an analysis for a recent study. One binary predictor with random effects for location and store at that location.
The regression ran fine and it was significant with good AUC.
I'm wanting to check influence measures (e.g. Cook's D/DfBeta etc.) to check for outliers/influential cases, but can't work out how to do so using any of the post-estimation commands. I'm led to believe these measures weren't designed for MLE/are more appropriate to OLS regression, and are unavailable for meqrlogit in Stata.
Could anyone point me towards a workaround or a relevant tutorial at all please which could help me identify outliers/influential cases?
Many thanks
I'm using Stata BE17 to run an analysis for a recent study. One binary predictor with random effects for location and store at that location.
meqrlogit [primary outcome] i.predictor ||location:||store:, or variance laplace
I'm wanting to check influence measures (e.g. Cook's D/DfBeta etc.) to check for outliers/influential cases, but can't work out how to do so using any of the post-estimation commands. I'm led to believe these measures weren't designed for MLE/are more appropriate to OLS regression, and are unavailable for meqrlogit in Stata.
Could anyone point me towards a workaround or a relevant tutorial at all please which could help me identify outliers/influential cases?
Many thanks