I don't have a coding question, I'm just curious about if anyone's found a use for the "project" aspect of Stata. I've tinkered around with it before, but I don't see the utility of it since I've never sat around and worked with it. I see how StataCorp advertises it, and that's fine, but are the startup costs of learning it worth it?
If anyone has experience using or, or is a big proponent of using it, could you please talk a little about your experience with it or why I might want to use it? I already break my projects down into Master Do Files and sub files and so on, so does anyone have any thoughts about if project might be useful for serious empirical work?
If anyone has experience using or, or is a big proponent of using it, could you please talk a little about your experience with it or why I might want to use it? I already break my projects down into Master Do Files and sub files and so on, so does anyone have any thoughts about if project might be useful for serious empirical work?