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  • Very low r-squared at xtreg fe

    Dear all,

    I have a question about my R-squared. The term is very small.

    1) Is my model still meaningful or do I need to change the independent variable?
    2) I have also already changed all variables as a check and also used alternative dependent variables. R-squared almost always remains at 0. Can the "problem" be due to the data set?

    Basically, I proceeded as follows:
    After I could not find any significant correlations between my variables, I did the Hausman test with the result that I should calculate fixed effects. Additionally I calculated "xtoverid" with the following result: Error - saved RE estimates are degenerate (sigma_u=0) and equivalent to pooled OLS. Following the statement of this thread (, one should then follow the Hausman test.

    Afterwards I used the following code for the calculation:

    quietly xtreg c.VD NDF c.BB c.EE c.AS c.KR, fe vce(robust)
    estimates store reg_0    
    quietly xtreg c.VD c.PL NDF c.BB c.EE c.AS c.KR, fe vce(robust)
    estimates store reg_1                                
    quietly xtreg c.VD c.PL c.GE c.IE NDF c.BB c.EE c.AS c.KR, fe vce(robust)
    estimates store reg_2                                
    quietly xtreg c.VD c.PL c.GE c.IE  c.PL#c.GENDF c.BB c.EE c.AS c.KR, fe vce(robust)  
    estimates store reg_3                                
    quietly xtreg c.VD c.PL c.GE c.IE c.PL#c.IENDF c.BB c.EE c.AS c.KR, fe vce(robust)
    estimates store reg_4                                
    quietly xtreg c.VD c.PL c.GE c.IE c.PL#c.GEc.PL#c.IENDF c.BB c.EE c.AS c.KR, fe vce(robust)
    estimates store reg_5    
    estout reg_0 reg_1 reg_2 reg_3 reg_4 reg_5 using VD_Reg.csv, nobaselevels cells(b(star fmt(3) label(Coef.)) se(par fmt(2) label(std.errors))) varwidth(23) starl(+ 0.1 * 0.05 ** 0.01 *** 0.001) eform stats(N df_m ll chi2 r2_a, labels ("No. of obs." "Degrees of freedom" "Log likelihood" "R2") fmt(3 0 1)) label legend varlabels(_cons Constant)
    The regression table looks as follows:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	VD_Regression.PNG
Views:	1
Size:	23.3 KB
ID:	1645398

    Thanks for your advice and help!

  • #2
    1) r-sq: if you go -xtreg,fe- is the within R-sq the one you should consider;
    2) the outcome of the community-contributed module -xtoverid- (that BTW focuses on -re- specification) is telling you that your dataset does not show evidence of a panel-wise effect.
    Kind regards,
    (StataNow 18.5)


    • #3
      Hi Carlo,
      thank you very much for your reply.
      1) I used the within R-sq.
      2) Does this mean that I should not calculate a panel but pooled ols?


      • #4
        1) have you already check that your regression is not misspecified?
        2) if there's no evidence of a panel-wise effect, you should switch to a pooled OLS (with standard errors clustered on -panelid- as observations within panels are not independent).
        Kind regards,
        (StataNow 18.5)


        • #5
          1) I checked the model specification using the procedure in this thread:

          predict yhat, xb
          gen yhat2 = yhat^2
          gen yhat3 = yhat^3
          gen yhat4 = yhat^4
          xtreg c.VD c.PL c.GE c.IE  NDF c.BB c.EE c.AS c.KR yhat2 yhat3 yhat4, fe vce(robust)
          Click image for larger version

Name:	Test.PNG
Views:	1
Size:	29.8 KB
ID:	1645414

          test yhat2=yhat3=yhat4=0
          ( 1) yhat2 - yhat3 = 0
          ( 2) yhat2 - yhat4 = 0
          ( 3) yhat2 = 0

          F( 3, 13) = 1.32
          Prob > F = 0.3112

          If I understand the result correctly, there is no misspecification of the model.

          2) I'm a little lost. Isn't it generally always more advisable to use the panel instead of the pooled OLS estimator for panel data? At least that's how I understand the discussion starting at #8 in this thread (


          • #6
            is -sigma_u- still zero in your
            xtreg c.VD c.PL c.GE c.IE  NDF c.BB c.EE c.AS c.KR, re vce(robust)
            Kind regards,
            (StataNow 18.5)


            • #7

              Click image for larger version

Name:	Test_1.PNG
Views:	1
Size:	27.2 KB
ID:	1645425


              • #8
                if (as it seems from -sigma_u-=0) there's no evidence of a panel-wise effect, you should switch to a pooled OLS (with standard errors clustered on -panelid- as observations within panels are not independent).
                Kind regards,
                (StataNow 18.5)


                • #9
                  If I omit the variables for the test for model misspecification and run the regression with fixed effects, my sigma_u is >0.

                   xtreg c.VD c.PL c.GE c.IE  NDF c.BB c.EE c.AS c.KR, fe vce(robust)
                  Click image for larger version

Name:	Model_3.PNG
Views:	1
Size:	3.0 KB
ID:	1645582

                  I thought this sigma_u value shows the existence of a panel wise effect and confirms the use of the fixed effects estimator?


                  • #10
                    it seems you've switched to -fe-.
                    The usual recipe is to compare it to -re- option via the community-contributed module -xtoverid-.
                    As as aside (that comes from FAQ), please use CODE delimiters to report (in full, please) what you typed and what Stata gave you back. Thanks.
                    Kind regards,
                    (StataNow 18.5)

