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  • Interpreting Stset results

    Hello, I'm having a problem interpreting the stset results.

    I have multiple-record data, that observations were collected over 11 years to 262 persons (the survey started with 262 subjects in the first year)
    and down to 158 subjects in the last year.
    year Freq. Percent Cum.
    2009 262 11.58 11.58
    2010 238 10.52 22.10
    2011 234 10.34 32.45
    2012 221 9.77 42.22
    2013 211 9.33 51.55
    2014 205 9.06 60.61
    2015 195 8.62 69.23
    2016 188 8.31 77.54
    2017 180 7.96 85.50
    2018 170 7.52 93.02
    2019 158 6.98 100.00
    Total 2,262 100.00
    The failure happens when the subeject exits from medical welfare benefit (exit=1 / remain=0)
    and all subjects started as medical welfare recipients in the dataset (medical_final=0).
    when I do this: stset tf, failure(medical_final=1) id(h_pid). it says that "390 observations begin on or after (first) failure.
    Does it mean that it will exlude those 390 observations for the survival analysis?
    and how do i fix the command if I want to include all the observation in the cox regression analysis.
    Please, refer beloew.
    . stset tf, failure(medical_final=1) id(h_pid)
    id: h_pid
    failure event: medical_final == 1
    obs. time interval: (tf[_n-1], tf]
    exit on or before: failure
    2,262 total observations
    390 observations begin on or after (first) failure
    1,872 observations remaining, representing
    262 subjects
    87 failures in single-failure-per-subject data
    1,891 total analysis time at risk and under observation
    at risk from t = 0
    earliest observed entry t = 0
    last observed exit t = 11
    . stcox age i.married householdmembers singleparents yearsofshooling i.have_disability chronic_disease i.jobtype totalcos
    > tofliving, tvc(depression alcoholqualtity) texp(_t) nohr
    failure _d: medical_final == 1
    analysis time _t: tf
    id: h_pid
    No. of subjects = 262 Number of obs = 1,774
    No. of failures = 87
    Time at risk = 1890
    LR chi2(17) = 48.62
    Log likelihood = -382.25429 Prob > chi2 = 0.0001
    _t Coef. Std. Err. z P>z [95% Conf. Interval]
    main .0031614 .2867175 0.01 0.991 -.5587946 .5651175
    age -.0232609 .0222197 -1.05 0.295 -.0668108 .020289
    1.married -.2825119 .3589023 -0.79 0.431 -.9859475 .4209236
    householdmembers .0569195 .1423741 0.40 0.689 -.2221287 .3359677
    singleparents -.9944535 .6048414 -1.64 0.100 -2.179921 .1910139
    yearsofshooling .0094515 .0352446 0.27 0.789 -.0596265 .0785296
    1.have_disability -.6158704 .2888035 -2.13 0.033 -1.181915 -.049826
    chronic_disease -.0864599 .0982721 -0.88 0.379 -.2790697 .1061499
    2 .1215283 1.081096 0.11 0.910 -1.99738 2.240437
    3 .342689 1.050399 0.33 0.744 -1.716055 2.401433
    4 -.6550579 1.175274 -0.56 0.577 -2.958553 1.648437
    5 .7318831 1.052947 0.70 0.487 -1.331855 2.795621
    6 -37.8177 2.77e+08 -0.00 1.000 -5.43e+08 5.43e+08
    7 -.6370897 1.042802 -0.61 0.541 -2.680944 1.406765
    totalcostofliving .0008265 .0012523 0.66 0.509 -.001628 .0032809
    depression -.009869 .0366306 -0.27 0.788 -.0816636 .0619256
    alcoholqualtity -.0026796 .0162534 -0.16 0.869 -.0345356 .0291764
    Note: Variables in tvc equation interacted with _t.
    Last edited by Hayoung Choi; 17 Jan 2022, 00:50.