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  • Is an individual firm-level fixed effect necessary in the model?

    Hi, I want to design a two-way fixed effects model on whether industrial policy affected firms' profitability.
    I have a model options in my consideration as follows:

    Every firm belongs to either large enterprise (LE) or small and medium sized enterprises (SME), which are represented by a binary variable (0,1).
    And also each firm also belongs to a certain industry among several industries such as manufacturing, service, etc. Then the model goes:

    Yfit = af + bi + ct + beta1 x TREATfit + beta2 x Var2fit + eit where Yfit is the profitability of individual firm that belongs to a certain industry and af, bi, ct are firm-level, industry-level, year fixed effects.

    I included an individual firm level fixed effect to control for unobserved heterogeneous firm characteristics but I did not for LE and SME because I assume there is a parallel trend between LE and SME.
    My first question is whether individual firm-level fixed effect (af) in this case is necessary and my model can be justified without dummy variable for LE and SME.

    I would appreciate it if anyone could give me a small tip. Thanks.

    Last edited by Chul-Kyoo Jung; 16 Jan 2022, 11:40.

  • #2
    it may seem you're planning to go -xtreg,fe-.
    If that were the case, you should -xtset- you data with -panelid- (firms, in your case) and -timevar-, first.
    Adding -i.timevar- is also highly recommended for -fe- specification.
    As far as fim size is concerned, if it is time-invariant it will be wiped out from the -fe- machinery by default.
    As an aside, you might be also interested in the community-contributed module -reghdfe-.
    Kind regards,
    (StataNow 18.5)


    • #3
      Carlo Lazzaro thanks Carlo, do you suggest the following? Please let me know if I am missing something:

      xtset firmid year
      xtreg DepVar TREAT Var2 i.firm i.year, re vce(robust)
      rather than

      xtset firmid year
      xtreg DepVar TREAT Var2 i.industry i.year, re vce(robust)

      And if it is the case, I am also wondering why I don't need i.industry in the model.
      Last edited by Chul-Kyoo Jung; 16 Jan 2022, 13:06.


      • #4
        your second code is the way to go.
        If you go -re- instead of -fe- -i.industry- even though time-invariant makes sense, as a coefficient will be calculated.
        Kind regards,
        (StataNow 18.5)


        • #5
          Carlo Lazzaro , my mistake. It should be with -fe- not -re-.
          In case with -fe-, then should I go with the following? I feel still missing something here.
          xtset firmid year
          xtreg DepVar TREAT Var2 i.firmid i.year, fe vce(robust)
          I don't understand why i.industry (industry fixed effect) does not fit with -fe-. Thanks.


          • #6
            as expected, due to demeaning, the -fe- estimator wipes out all time-invariant variables. Therefore, if -i.industry- is a time- invariant predictor because, as it is often the case, firms do not change industry as time goes by, Stata will not give back any coefficient for -i.industry- (and rightfully so).
            Kind regards,
            (StataNow 18.5)


            • #7
              Carlo Lazzaro thanks so much!

