I have some CSTS data.
I wish to use the "within-between" random effects estimator (Bell and Jones 2015) to analyze it instead of the more familiar two-way fixed effects.
A common practice in the field I'm working in is to use a lagged dependent variable.
I am not sure, however, if one can add a lagged dependent variable when using the within-between estimator? And if so, how: should one add a "regular" variable, or one needs to "split" it to the between and the within variables, like the other variables?
Many thanks,
I have some CSTS data.
I wish to use the "within-between" random effects estimator (Bell and Jones 2015) to analyze it instead of the more familiar two-way fixed effects.
A common practice in the field I'm working in is to use a lagged dependent variable.
I am not sure, however, if one can add a lagged dependent variable when using the within-between estimator? And if so, how: should one add a "regular" variable, or one needs to "split" it to the between and the within variables, like the other variables?
Many thanks,