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  • Odds ratio plot

    Hello dear Stata listers
    i am using Stata 17
    i was requested by the reviewer of a paper to plot a graph with the odds ratio in the Y axis and the continuous variable in the X axis.
    i have tried the following
    logistic outcome continuosvariable i.sexe
    margins, at(continuousvariable(0(1)2)

    But i get the predicted probability in the Y axis instead of the odds ratio. i need to get the odds ratio in the Y axis.

    Many thanks beforehand! Your hep will be highly appreciated!

    MAY ALMIGHTY GOD bless you much

    natalia campos obando
    SAN JOSE, Costa Rica

  • #2
    Hola Natalia, bienvenidos a Statalist.

    Perhaps I'm wrong, but isn't there only one odds ratio for a variable in a regression? I could be totally incorrect about this, I'd need to read about logit models again. Are you sure the review isn't asking you to plot the actual odds ratio itself, with the x axis denoting the variable odds ratio is associated with? If so, if that's what they want, there's a fairly straightforward fix to this. natalia campos-obando

