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  • Syntax for calculating period prevalence (disease epidemiology)

    I am working with a large longitudinal data set consisting of anonymous individuals with diabetes between 2010-2019. I want to calculate the annual prevalence of kidney failure in these individuals with diabetes. Then eventually graph the annual trend over time (2010-2019).

    My understanding of calculating period prevalence = # new & pre-existing cases of renal failure and diabetes in year x / # of individuals with diabetes in year x

    I have sample dataset below:

    * Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
    input float id byte gender int(startdate exitdate) byte outcome int outcome_date
     1 0 16888 20832 0     .
     2 0 17601 21796 0     .
     3 0 17231 21817 0     .
     4 0 14959 19435 1 19435
     5 1 15008 21790 0     .
     6 0 15908 17081 0     .
     7 1 17804 20579 0     .
     8 0 16026 19235 1 19235
     9 1 20261 21816 0     .
    10 1 15139 16902 1 16902
    11 1 14830 17665 1 17665
    12 1 14675 15113 1 15113
    13 1 18763 21796 0     .
    14 0 15988 21816 0     .
    15 1 14643 15536 1 15536
    16 0 16323 20362 1 20362
    17 0 14739 17398 0     .
    18 1 18169 18920 0     .
    19 1 17720 20215 0     .
    20 1 14802 15257 1 15257
    format %td startdate
    format %td exitdate
    format %td outcome_date
    'gender': 1=male, 0=female
    'startdate' = date of diabetes diagnosis
    'exitdate' = date exited study
    'outcome': renal failure=1, no renal failure=0
    'outcome_date' = date of renal failure diagnosis

    I have been able to clean my large dataset down to the above variables, but have not been able to identify suitable syntax to calculate annual prevalence.

    I would very grateful for any help.

    Thank you

  • #2
    should the denominator include individuals who exited the study? if so,
    expand 20
    bys id: gen year = 1999 + _n
    keep if year >= yofd(startdate)
    gen n_renal = year >= yofd(outcome_date)
    gen n = 1
    collapse (sum) n_renal n, by(year)
    gen prevalence = (n_renal / n) * 100
    tw line prevalence year


    • #3
      Hi. thank you for getting back to me.

      No, the denominator would exclude individuals who exited in that year - as I have individual level data. I am fortunate to have the exact entry date, censoring/exit date, and outcome date for each person, so I would like to sum person-time (in years) for my denominator.

