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  • Data preparation to calculate Index

    Hello everybody,

    I am currently working on the calculation of an agricultural index. In order to do that, the necessary do-files and datasets (to first try it out) were online available. Since I am completely new to Stata I quickly run into problems.
    My question at the moment, is that while I am running the data preparation do file I always receive the error 'variable ... already defined' during similar lines of coding.

    (*OWNERSHIP: Adequate if selfjoint owns AT LEAST two small assets (chicken, farming equipment non-mechanized, and small consumer durables) OR one large asset (all the other).
    * This is the same to say: empowered if owns AT LEAST one assets and that asset is not a small asset.
    * Inadequate if lives in a household that owns no assets) - Description of what is beng down

    foreach x in own{
    egen selfjoint`x'sum=rowtotal(selfjoint`x'_*), missing
    egen j`x'count=rowmax(selfjoint`x'_*)
    replace j`x'count=0 if j`x'count==1 & selfjoint`x'sum==1 &(selfjointown_d==1|selfjointown_f==1|selfjointown _k==1)
    replace j`x'count=0 if own_sum==0

    rename j`x'count j`x'_count
    rename selfjoint`x'sum selfjoint`x'_sum

    Oftentimes when I run a "foreach x in own" line of code I receive the same type of error ('variable ... already defined')

    I was looking into the different variables where this happened with the describe function and this is what I found (whereas, I am also not sure what this is telling me)

    describe selfjointownsum

    Variable Storage Display Value
    name type format label Variable labe
    > l
    selfjointownsum float %9.0g

    Does anybody understand the problem or knows how it can be solved?

    Thank you very much


  • #2
    I already figured it out thank you! It doesnt seem like I can delete the post

