Hi everyone,
I was wondering if someone could help me resolving this problem :
I want to regress word export variation between two year (Var) on exporter, importer and industry dummies to capture the exporter, importer, and industy specific effect on world trade variation. I have encoded each of my three variables with encode(): exporter (141 countries), importer (233 countries),industry (5498 products), and I have extended the number of variable by default with STATA/SE with set maxvar. Then I ran the following regression concidering my dummies as categorical variables as follow :
reg var i.exporter i.importer i.industry
Unfortunatelly stata runs but is not able to complete the process (I mean I have to break the process manually with the red cross). However, when I run the following regression, it works :
reg var i.exporter i.importer
So I guess that I have too many variable in my regression.
My first request is : do you have another way to estimate these effects ?
Secondly, I am not interested in the effect of each dummy variable (exporter1 exporter2 importer1 importer2 industry1 industry2...) but in the three overall exporter effect, importer effect, industry effect. Is there a way to compute each exporter dummy effect in an overall expoter effect, each importer dummy effect in an overall importer effect, etc. ?
Thank you for your answer !
I was wondering if someone could help me resolving this problem :
I want to regress word export variation between two year (Var) on exporter, importer and industry dummies to capture the exporter, importer, and industy specific effect on world trade variation. I have encoded each of my three variables with encode(): exporter (141 countries), importer (233 countries),industry (5498 products), and I have extended the number of variable by default with STATA/SE with set maxvar. Then I ran the following regression concidering my dummies as categorical variables as follow :
reg var i.exporter i.importer i.industry
Unfortunatelly stata runs but is not able to complete the process (I mean I have to break the process manually with the red cross). However, when I run the following regression, it works :
reg var i.exporter i.importer
So I guess that I have too many variable in my regression.
My first request is : do you have another way to estimate these effects ?
Secondly, I am not interested in the effect of each dummy variable (exporter1 exporter2 importer1 importer2 industry1 industry2...) but in the three overall exporter effect, importer effect, industry effect. Is there a way to compute each exporter dummy effect in an overall expoter effect, each importer dummy effect in an overall importer effect, etc. ?
Thank you for your answer !