Hi everyone, sorry for the stupid question but I am not able to find a solution by myself. I want to plot an histogram by another variable. The problem is that the resulting graphs are a lot and when I export them only some of them have the yaxis. I tried by reducing the size of the graph but nothing changes.
histrogram price, by(mpg)
In this for example, only the latter five graphs have the y-axis. Is there any way to add the yaxis to the others? thank you.
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input int(price mpg) 4099 22 4749 17 3799 22 4816 20 7827 15 5788 18 4453 26 5189 20 10372 16 4082 19 11385 14 14500 14 15906 21 3299 29 5705 16 4504 22 5104 22 3667 24 3955 19 3984 30 4010 18 5886 16 6342 17 4389 28 4187 21 11497 12 13594 12 13466 14 3829 22 5379 14 6165 15 4516 18 6303 14 3291 20 8814 21 5172 19 4733 19 4890 18 4181 19 4195 24 10371 16 4647 28 4425 34 4482 25 6486 26 4060 18 5798 18 4934 18 5222 19 4723 19 4424 19 4172 24 9690 17 6295 23 9735 25 6229 23 4589 35 5079 24 8129 21 4296 21 5799 25 4499 28 3995 30 12990 14 3895 26 3798 35 5899 18 3748 31 5719 18 7140 23 5397 41 4697 25 6850 25 11995 17 end
histrogram price, by(mpg)
In this for example, only the latter five graphs have the y-axis. Is there any way to add the yaxis to the others? thank you.