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  • chi2 test

    Good morning to everybody,
    I 've a dubt
    1 64 119 7 190
    2 28 92 5 125
    3 9 12 1 22
    4 5 12 1 18
    5 4 5 1 10
    6 8 12 1 21
    7 26 56 1 83

    is correct, to detect if there is a gender difference the following code?

    tab Question1 gender,col chi2

    Thanks a million


  • #2
    What is exactly your doubt?
    With column percentages (the option col) you can more easily compare genders. You can see that males are more likely to be in category 1 while women more likely in category 2. Otherwise they are all fairly similar. Now it is up to you to decide whether that is a substantively meaningful difference.

               |              female
           q01 |      male     female      other |     Total
             1 |     44.44      38.64      41.18 |     40.51
             2 |     19.44      29.87      29.41 |     26.65
             3 |      6.25       3.90       5.88 |      4.69
             4 |      3.47       3.90       5.88 |      3.84
             5 |      2.78       1.62       5.88 |      2.13
             6 |      5.56       3.90       5.88 |      4.48
             7 |     18.06      18.18       5.88 |     17.70
         Total |    100.00     100.00     100.00 |    100.00
    The chi squared test test the hypothesis that the association you see in the table is only due to the margins. If the null is true then there is no association between men and women. However, a significant it does not tell you anything about what the difference between the genders is. So that is of limited value.
    Maarten L. Buis
    University of Konstanz
    Department of history and sociology
    box 40
    78457 Konstanz


    • #3
      Thanks a lot.

      my doubt is to see if there is a significant difference between the gender as far as question q01 is concerned. Is the written INSTRUCTION " tab Question1 gender,col chi2" correct ?

      The output is p = 0.610. No differences. Is it correct isn't?


      • #4
        If I understand correctly, your data are equivalent to this data example.

        * Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
        input byte question1 str6 gender int count
        1 "female" 119
        1 "male"    64
        1 "other"    7
        2 "female"  92
        2 "male"    28
        2 "other"    5
        3 "female"  12
        3 "male"     9
        3 "other"    1
        4 "female"  12
        4 "male"     5
        4 "other"    1
        5 "female"   5
        5 "male"     4
        5 "other"    1
        6 "female"  12
        6 "male"     8
        6 "other"    1
        7 "female"  56
        7 "male"    26
        7 "other"    1
        Using tabchi from tab_chi on SSC to get a little more detail, I add the Pearson residuals (observed MINUS expected) / root of expected (so that chi-square statistic = SUM of (Pearson residual)^2.

        I can't see any more structure, as residuals of magnitude 1 are par for the course.

        .  tabchi gender q [fw=count] , pearson
                  observed frequency
                  expected frequency
                  Pearson residual
                  |                           Question1                          
           gender |       1        2        3        4        5        6        7
           female |     119       92       12       12        5       12       56
                  | 124.776   82.090   14.448   11.821    6.567   13.791   54.507
                  |  -0.517    1.094   -0.644    0.052   -0.612   -0.482    0.202
             male |      64       28        9        5        4        8       26
                  |  58.337   38.380    6.755    5.527    3.070    6.448   25.484
                  |   0.741   -1.675    0.864   -0.224    0.531    0.611    0.102
            other |       7        5        1        1        1        1        1
                  |   6.887    4.531    0.797    0.652    0.362    0.761    3.009
                  |   0.043    0.220    0.227    0.430    1.059    0.274   -1.158
        7 cells with expected frequency < 5
        4 cells with expected frequency < 1
                  Pearson chi2(12) =  10.1718   Pr = 0.601
         likelihood-ratio chi2(12) =  10.4244   Pr = 0.579
        I can't say why you get P = 0.610.

        What are the questions to which male, female, or other are the answers? Why are the column totals above utterly different?


        • #5
          if answers to Question1 are ranked according to some preference/relevance order, shamelessly ealborating on Nick's helpful reply, you may want to consider -ologit- s an alterative approach:
          . ologit question1 i.num_gender [fw=count]
          Iteration 0:   log likelihood = -710.40469 
          Iteration 1:   log likelihood = -710.25221 
          Iteration 2:   log likelihood = -710.25219 
          Ordered logistic regression                             Number of obs =    469
                                                                  LR chi2(2)    =   0.30
                                                                  Prob > chi2   = 0.8586
          Log likelihood = -710.25219                             Pseudo R2     = 0.0002
             question1 | Coefficient  Std. err.      z    P>|z|     [95% conf. interval]
            num_gender |
                 male  |  -.0682336    .185928    -0.37   0.714    -.4326457    .2961785
                other  |  -.1996942    .439131    -0.45   0.649    -1.060375    .6609867
                 /cut1 |  -.4119686    .111094                     -.6297089   -.1942282
                 /cut2 |   .6877913   .1145797                      .4632193    .9123634
                 /cut3 |   .9092327   .1185879                      .6768046    1.141661
                 /cut4 |   1.107749   .1230685                      .8665393    1.348959
                 /cut5 |    1.22731   .1262104                      .9799423    1.474678
                 /cut6 |    1.50894   .1349567                       1.24443     1.77345
          that confirms no gender-related statistical significant effect.
          Kind regards,
          (StataNow 18.5)


          • #6
            thanks to everybody.
            Nick Cox IT WAS MY MISTAKE...P=0,601...

