Hi Statalist, I have a question. Presumably Sergio Correia will be the best one to answer it, but perhaps there is something very fundamental that I am missing. I am using STATA 17.
I am using reghdfe together with the esttab/estout commands to export regression tables to rtf format. I have closely followed the example provided here.
Basically, while the provided solution allows to include the absorbed fixed effects in the esttab command, as soon as I want to export the table these FE indication disappear. Just retyping Sergio's example and adding one line to export the table:
Perhaps I am missing more fundamental about STATA? Thank you for helping me out.
I am using reghdfe together with the esttab/estout commands to export regression tables to rtf format. I have closely followed the example provided here.
Basically, while the provided solution allows to include the absorbed fixed effects in the esttab command, as soon as I want to export the table these FE indication disappear. Just retyping Sergio's example and adding one line to export the table:
sysuse auto * Run and store regressions reghdfe price weight length, a(turn) keepsing estimates store model1 reghdfe price weight length, a(turn trunk) keepsing estimates store model2 reghdfe price weight length, a(turn foreign) keepsing estimates store model2 * Prepare estimates for -estout- estfe . model*, labels(turn "Turn FE" turn#trunk "Turn-Trunk FE") return list * Run estout/esttab esttab . model* , indicate("Length Controls=length" `r(indicate_fe)') replace // shows the absorbed FE as well as the "Length Controls" indication esttab . model* using "mypath/test.rtf", indicate("Length Controls=length" `r(indicate_fe)') replace // does not show the absorbed FE, only the "Length Controls" indication; replace 'mypath' with the path to save the rtf file * Return stored estimates to their previous state estfe . model*, restore