Hi Listers,
I am interested in creating a randomisation list for a 2-arm study with 1:1 allocation ratio for N = 400. I plan to use block randomisation with blocks of varying size: 6, 8 and 10. I would like to have more blocks of size 6 rather than 8 and 10 as it would be more likely to ensure balance even in case of early termination.
I know that the command -ralloc- allows to specify whether or not the frequency of block sizes is the same using the noequal option:
ralloc block size treat, nsubj(400) seed(675) sav(mytrial) idvar(study_ID) init(6) osize(3) noequal
However, it achieves this by using Pascal's triangle so it does not provide the solution I am after:
block size 6: frequency = 78
block size 8: frequency = 104
block size 10: frequency = 220
Is there any way I can modify -ralloc- to 'bias' the list to have a higher frequency of size 6 blocks? or is there another command that I could use?
I am interested in creating a randomisation list for a 2-arm study with 1:1 allocation ratio for N = 400. I plan to use block randomisation with blocks of varying size: 6, 8 and 10. I would like to have more blocks of size 6 rather than 8 and 10 as it would be more likely to ensure balance even in case of early termination.
I know that the command -ralloc- allows to specify whether or not the frequency of block sizes is the same using the noequal option:
ralloc block size treat, nsubj(400) seed(675) sav(mytrial) idvar(study_ID) init(6) osize(3) noequal
However, it achieves this by using Pascal's triangle so it does not provide the solution I am after:
block size 6: frequency = 78
block size 8: frequency = 104
block size 10: frequency = 220
Is there any way I can modify -ralloc- to 'bias' the list to have a higher frequency of size 6 blocks? or is there another command that I could use?