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  • Average Treatment on the Treated (ATT) using psmatch2 and teffects psmatch

    Hi all. I have a question regarding the coefficient for the Average Treatment Effect on the Treated (ATT) when using psmatch2 in comparison to “teffects psmatch”.

    I’m running matching models to estimate the impact of a binary treatment, existence of dry law in a municipality (“lei_seca”), on the outcome “turnout”. I’ve used both psmatch2 and teffects psmatch to do the analyses.

    psmatch2 lei_seca pop_urb_perc ln_child_mort_census10 poor_perc_census10 eleitores_analf_perc ln_r_pib_per_cap idhm coal_pres ideo_na pol_pi, outcome(turnout) neighbor(1)
    teffects psmatch (turnout) (lei_seca pop_urb_perc ln_child_mort_census10 poor_perc_census10 eleitores_analf_perc ln_r_pib_per_cap idhm coal_pres ideo_na pol_pi, probit), nneighbor(1) atet
    Whereas teffetcs psmatch presents a coefficient for the ATT, psmatch2 presents means for Treat, Control, and the Difference.

    Question: Is the “Difference” from psmatch2’s output equivalent to the ATT’s coefficient when running teffects psmatch?

    I need to be 100% sure about that.

    Thank you.

  • #2
    Yes, both approaches use the same model to estimate the propensity scores as well as the same weighting scheme. To illustrate,
    sysuse auto, clear
    psmatch2 foreign mpg turn, outcome(price) n(1)
    teffects psmatch (price) (foreign mpg turn, probit), nneighbor(1) atet
    *estimate propensity scores
    sysuse auto, clear
    probit foreign mpg turn
    predict double ps
    g n = _n
    tempfile n
    save `n'
    *retain nearest neighbor in terms of estimated propensity scores
    forval i = 53 / 74 {
    use `n' if !foreign|n==`i', clear
    sum ps if n==`i'
    gen diff = abs(ps-r(min))
    sum diff if n!=`i'
    keep if diff == r(min) & !foreign
    tempfile n`i'
    save `n`i''
    use `n' if foreign, clear
    forval i = 53 / 74 {
    append using `n`i''
    gen w_atet=1
    collapse price foreign mpg turn (sum) w_atet, by(make)
    regress price foreign [pw=w_atet]


    • #3
      Great Øyvind, thank you.

