I have created a custom table to report multiple models I am estimating using Juan VIlla's excellent diff command (ssc install diff), though my question should not at all depend on this user-written command. I am including it here to produce a working example illustrating clearly what I want to do that is not working.
I am using Stata's new collect commands to produce a customized table of diff-in-diff results. I want the table to show the pre means with standard errors (SEs), the post means with SEs, and finally the diff-in-diff estimates and confidence intervals (CIs). Below is a working example almost producing the desired table.
Below is the table produced by the working example code. The table looks as desired, but CIs for the diff-in-diff estimates are not displayed:
The line (and its sibling for time[3] further down)
produces the message
So it appears the problem is these items are not being assigned the desired tags. The documentation of collect addtags does not explicitly state that level _r_ci cannot be tagged, but perhaps this restriction is undocumented? I noticed that levels _r_ci and _r_cri cannot be recoded using collect recode, but this is explicitly documented. I would usually just accept defeat on this occasion and simply display SEs for the diff-in-diff estimate, but the principal investigator on this project specifically wants to report CIs for the diff-in-diff estimates (it is more accepted in the relevant literature). I appreciate any help or advice anyone can provide toward code that displays the CIs as desired.
I am using Stata's new collect commands to produce a customized table of diff-in-diff results. I want the table to show the pre means with standard errors (SEs), the post means with SEs, and finally the diff-in-diff estimates and confidence intervals (CIs). Below is a working example almost producing the desired table.
use "http://fmwww.bc.edu/repec/bocode/c/CardKrueger1994.dta", clear collect clear * Estimate and collect regression results collect create reg1, replace collect, name(reg1): diff fte, t(treated) p(t) cov(bk kfc roys) collect create reg2, replace collect, name(reg2): diff fte, t(treated) p(t) cov(bk kfc roys) kernel id(id) * Combine regression output and create the table collect combine regs = reg1 reg2 collect addtags treat[0], fortags(result[mean_c0 se_c0 mean_c1 se_c1]) collect addtags treat[1], fortags(result[mean_t0 se_t0 mean_t1 se_t1]) collect addtags treat[2], fortags(result[diff0 se_d0 diff1 se_d1]) collect label levels treat 0 "Control" 1 "Treated" 2 "Diff (T-C)", modify collect addtags time[1], fortags(result[mean_c0 mean_t0 se_c0 se_t0 diff0 se_d0]) collect addtags time[2], fortags(result[mean_c1 mean_t1 se_c1 se_t1 diff1 se_d1]) collect addtags time[3], fortags(colname[_diff]#result[_r_b]) collect addtags time[3], fortags(result[_r_ci]) collect label levels time 1 "Pre" 2 "Post" 3 "Pre-Post" collect addtags values[1], fortags(result[mean_c0 mean_t0 mean_c1 mean_t1 diff0 diff1] colname[_diff]#result[_r_b]) collect addtags values[2], fortags(result[se_c0 se_t0 se_c1 se_t1 se_d0 se_d1] colname[_diff]#result[_r_ci]) collect addtags treat[3], fortags(time[3]#colname[_diff]#result[_r_b]) collect addtags treat[3], fortags(result[_r_ci]) collect label levels treat 3 "Diff-in-Diff", modify collect label levels collection reg1 "Social disconnection Scale (1-5)" reg2 "Social disconnection scale (1-5)" collect style cell values[1], nformat(%3.2f) halign(center) collect style cell values[2], nformat(%3.2f) sformat("(%s)") halign(center) collect style cell result[_r_ci], cidelimiter(,) nformat(%3.2f) sformat("(%s)") halign(center) collect style header values, level(hide) collect style column, dups(center) width(equal) collect style cell border_block, border(right, pattern(nil)) collect style cell cell_type[column-header]#time[1] cell_type[column-header]#time[2], border(bottom, pattern(single)) collect style cell cell_type[column-header]#time[3] cell_type[column-header]#treat, halign(center) collect layout (collection#values) (time#treat)
HTML Code:
Collection: regs Rows: collection#values Columns: time#treat Table 1: 4 x 7 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pre Post Pre-Post ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Control Treated Diff (T-C) Control Treated Diff (T-C) Diff-in-Diff ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reg1 21.16 18.84 -2.32 18.76 19.37 0.61 2.94 (1.14) (0.85) (1.03) (1.16) (0.85) (1.04) Reg2 20.04 17.07 -2.98 17.45 17.57 0.12 3.10 (0.67) (0.67) (0.94) (0.67) (0.67) (0.95) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
collect addtags treat[3], fortags(result[_r_ci])
HTML Code:
(0 items changed in collection regs)