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  • Bartik shock

    Dear all,

    I have recently started using STATA after ages and I wanted to ask you how to code the Bartik shock: the model I want to replicate is attached in the word document. I have done this:
    I first create the instrument with emp_ipums_sh is the share of employment and F_output_sh is the share of output for foreign firms. Then, I do regressions by instrumenting the Foreign output share. However, I do not know how to replicate the second stage regression in the word file as there is Foreign output share replicated twice.

    thanks a lot


    gen inst_weight=emp_ipums_sh[_n-1]*d.F_output_sh
    egen inst_F_output=sum(inst_weight) if inst_weight!=., by(year country)

    **Employment Share as a dependent variable**

    quietly ivregress 2sls d.sh_agri_jobs_ipums (sh_Foutput=inst_F_output) d* $xlist, robust cluster(country) first
    outreg2 using "$OUT/regression_1.doc", replace ctitle(Emp_ipums_agri)
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Repeated post Please follow if interested.

    We have advice on bumping like this at In short, please don't.

    Why was this not answered in the 73 minutes since you first posted?

    I guess many readers were put off by the Word attachment. Again, please see 12.5 in for why such attachments are less helpful than you hope.


    • #3
      thanks Nick, I had some internet issues and I was unsure the first message was posted. I am not very familiar. thanks anyway

