I am trying to run a multilevel logistic regression with Stata. My outcome variable is a binary variable indicating the vote for radical right parties, level 1 is the individual unit, level 2 the country level. I am using the ESS dataset and I have decided to keep only 5 countries (keep if ctnry!=".." & ctnry!=".." etc)
In order to observe the Intracountry Correlation Coefficient, i have written this command
melogit votePRR || cntry :
estat icc
And I keep getting this message, after the calculation of 13 iterations
"cannot compute an improvement -- discontinuous region encountered" r(430);
Do you have an idea of what it means and what I could do?
Thanks a lot,
I am trying to run a multilevel logistic regression with Stata. My outcome variable is a binary variable indicating the vote for radical right parties, level 1 is the individual unit, level 2 the country level. I am using the ESS dataset and I have decided to keep only 5 countries (keep if ctnry!=".." & ctnry!=".." etc)
In order to observe the Intracountry Correlation Coefficient, i have written this command
melogit votePRR || cntry :
estat icc
And I keep getting this message, after the calculation of 13 iterations
"cannot compute an improvement -- discontinuous region encountered" r(430);
Do you have an idea of what it means and what I could do?
Thanks a lot,