I am looking for some guidance in my project. My DV is categorical (low, medium, and high stress) so I am using ologit to test which of the 8 key predictors have a higher effect size, hence, impacting the DV the most. However, I also hypothesize gender differences. For e.g. females will have a higher stress (DV) than males. Females will also have lower score (some binary and others categorical) in the key predictors. How would I code it? What about post-estimation to test for robustness? Thank you for your kind attention and consideration.
I am looking for some guidance in my project. My DV is categorical (low, medium, and high stress) so I am using ologit to test which of the 8 key predictors have a higher effect size, hence, impacting the DV the most. However, I also hypothesize gender differences. For e.g. females will have a higher stress (DV) than males. Females will also have lower score (some binary and others categorical) in the key predictors. How would I code it? What about post-estimation to test for robustness? Thank you for your kind attention and consideration.