Hello there,
I apologize in advance if I do not explain my request well. I am new here and have not worked with Stata for a long time.
I'm using a Eurobarometer dataset and I'm supposed to show with bar charts what percentage of respondents in each country have trust in different institutions (as an example let's take trust in social networks) - see attachment.
So far, so good.
I should also include the value "Europe" in the chart. All the countries I am considering are in Europe.
Unfortunately, this is exactly where I fail. Does anyone have an idea how I can do this?
tab country_id
#Europe should be a part of this country list!
country_id | Freq. Percent Cum.
Belgium | 1,005 3.58 3.58
Bulgaria | 1,051 3.75 7.33
Denmark | 1,000 3.56 10.89
Germany East | 520 1.85 12.75
Germany West | 1,045 3.72 16.47
Estonia | 1,009 3.60 20.07
Finland | 1,016 3.62 23.69
France | 1,072 3.82 27.51
Greece | 1,008 3.59 31.10
Great Britain | 1,025 3.65 34.76
Ireland | 1,001 3.57 38.32
Italy | 1,034 3.69 42.01
Croatia | 1,094 3.90 45.91
Latvia | 1,018 3.63 49.54
Lithuania | 1,013 3.61 53.15
Luxembourg | 507 1.81 54.96
Malta | 503 1.79 56.75
The Netherlands | 1,034 3.69 60.43
Northern Ireland | 309 1.10 61.54
Austria | 1,016 3.62 65.16
Poland | 1,014 3.61 68.77
Portugal | 1,076 3.84 72.61
Romania | 1,062 3.79 76.39
Sweden | 1,002 3.57 79.96
Slovakia | 1,044 3.72 83.69
Slovenia | 1,009 3.60 87.28
Spain | 1,008 3.59 90.88
Czech Republic | 1,021 3.64 94.51
Hungary | 1,039 3.70 98.22
Cyprus | 500 1.78 100.00
Total | 28,055 100.00
tab trust_social
trust_socia |
l | Freq. Percent Cum.
0 | 24,940 76.29 76.29
1 | 7,753 23.71 100.00
Total | 32,693 100.00
I apologize in advance if I do not explain my request well. I am new here and have not worked with Stata for a long time.
I'm using a Eurobarometer dataset and I'm supposed to show with bar charts what percentage of respondents in each country have trust in different institutions (as an example let's take trust in social networks) - see attachment.
So far, so good.
I should also include the value "Europe" in the chart. All the countries I am considering are in Europe.
Unfortunately, this is exactly where I fail. Does anyone have an idea how I can do this?
tab country_id
#Europe should be a part of this country list!
country_id | Freq. Percent Cum.
Belgium | 1,005 3.58 3.58
Bulgaria | 1,051 3.75 7.33
Denmark | 1,000 3.56 10.89
Germany East | 520 1.85 12.75
Germany West | 1,045 3.72 16.47
Estonia | 1,009 3.60 20.07
Finland | 1,016 3.62 23.69
France | 1,072 3.82 27.51
Greece | 1,008 3.59 31.10
Great Britain | 1,025 3.65 34.76
Ireland | 1,001 3.57 38.32
Italy | 1,034 3.69 42.01
Croatia | 1,094 3.90 45.91
Latvia | 1,018 3.63 49.54
Lithuania | 1,013 3.61 53.15
Luxembourg | 507 1.81 54.96
Malta | 503 1.79 56.75
The Netherlands | 1,034 3.69 60.43
Northern Ireland | 309 1.10 61.54
Austria | 1,016 3.62 65.16
Poland | 1,014 3.61 68.77
Portugal | 1,076 3.84 72.61
Romania | 1,062 3.79 76.39
Sweden | 1,002 3.57 79.96
Slovakia | 1,044 3.72 83.69
Slovenia | 1,009 3.60 87.28
Spain | 1,008 3.59 90.88
Czech Republic | 1,021 3.64 94.51
Hungary | 1,039 3.70 98.22
Cyprus | 500 1.78 100.00
Total | 28,055 100.00
tab trust_social
trust_socia |
l | Freq. Percent Cum.
0 | 24,940 76.29 76.29
1 | 7,753 23.71 100.00
Total | 32,693 100.00