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  • SFA on health efficiency in germany


    i am using a data set about the health efficiency in germany. As output measure I use the inverted log of the mortality rate (so it is an desirable output for health efficency). As input factors I use the number of general practitioners, number of specialists, number of hospital beds, number of dialysis devices and an indicator speciality diversity to represent the heterogenity of medical service provision within a district. These are ideas of Herwartz and Schley in "Improving health care service provision by adapting to regional diversity: An efficiency analysis for the case of Germany".

    I want to use a stochastic frontier analysis to analyse the efficiency of the districts in germany. My tests proposes to use a time varying model from Kumbhakar (1990) or the time varying model from Battese and Coelli (1992).

    I am using a cobb douglas specification.

    I use the following code:

    sfpanel $Output $loglist, model(bc92)

    scalar ll_bc92 = e(ll)

    predict ineff_BC, u
    predict eff_BC, bc

    summarize eff_BC

    This code works well, I get the following results

    Time-varying decay model (truncated-normal) Number of obs = 3540
    Group variable: id Number of groups = 354
    Time variable: time Obs per group: min = 10

    Prob > chi2 = 0.0000
    Log likelihood = 6076.9113 Wald chi2(5) = 74.14

    LogSMRInv | Coefficient Std. err. z P>|z| [95% conf. interval]
    LogGP | -.0155696 .0143281 -1.09 0.277 -.0436521 .0125129
    LogSpecialists | .011152 .0103765 1.07 0.282 -.0091856 .0314896
    LogBeds | - . 0571862 .007225 -7.92 0.000 -.071347 -.0430254
    LogDialyseAnzahl | .0015767 .0070368 0.22 0.823 -.0122151 .0153686
    LogSpecialityDiversity | .0136673 .0057841 2.36 0.018 .0023306 .0250039
    _cons | -2.527519 .075975 -33.27 0.000 -2.676428 -2.378611
    /lnsigma2 | -4.517443 .0721543 -62.61 0.000 -4.658863 -4.376023
    /ilgtgamma | 2.069327 .0857345 24.14 0.000 1.90129 2.237363
    /mu | .3156293 .0181876 17.35 0.000 .2799822 .3512764
    /eta | -.0037632 .0012755 -2.95 0.003 -.0062631 -.0012633
    sigma2 | .0109169 .0007877 .0094772 .0125753
    gamma | .887886 .0085344 .8700375 .9035549
    sigma_u2 | .009693 .0007879 .0081487 .0112373
    sigma_v2 | .0012239 .0000308 .0011636 .0012843

    The efficiency results are around 0,73 (73%)

    Variable | Obs Mean Std. dev. Min Max
    eff_BC | 3,540 .7364692 .0714501 .5491924 .9892062

    Can I use this models since some of the coefficients are negative? I dont understand the effect from the variables onto the mortality rate (health output). For example more hospital beds do not improve the health output. Does this mean there are enough beds?

    And are the results or the coefficients significant? I think i need to interpret the z-value.
