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  • overlaying two hazard rate plots

    Dear All, Suppose that I compute the following hazard rates (unfortunately I cannot share the real data, but here is an example using generic data). I am using Stata 16.
    stset, noshow
    global in "yourdirectory"
    cd "$in"
       sts graph if drug ==0, hazard    
        qui graph save "plot1.gph",replace   
       sts graph if drug ==1 hazard  
        qui graph save "plot2.gph",replace  
         graph combine "$in/plot1.gph" "$in/plot2.gph"
    This gives me a combined graph. Suppose that the dataset used to get the plot for drug==0 is different than the one for drug ==1, that the datasets used to generate each of these plots are too big to be opened at the same time, and I want to overlay them in a similar way as in

    If these were twoway plots, this should be straightforward, but because I use the sts graph command, the usual add plot command does not work. What I want is to overlay two plots that I previously save as.gph (like the graph combine command but overlaying the plots),

    Any input would be appreciated, thanks!

  • #2
    What you ask seems unnecessary, as sts graph has a -by()- option. So you want:

    sts graph, by(drug) hazard
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Graph.png
Views:	1
Size:	20.8 KB
ID:	1644114

    In any case, you can save the outputs from sts graph using the option -outfile()- . Then combine with twoway, but there should be no need for this.

    sts graph if drug, hazard saving(gr1, replace)  
    sts graph if !drug, hazard saving(gr2, replace)  
    gr combine gr1.gph gr2.gph, saving(gr12, replace)
    tempfile out out0
    sts graph if !drug, hazard outfile(`out0', replace) nodraw
    sts graph if drug, hazard outfile(`out', replace) nodraw
    use `out', clear
    gen which=1
    append using `out0'
    replace which=0 if missing(which)
    separate hazard, by(which) veryshortlabel
    tw (line hazard? _t, sort connect(J) title("Smoothed hazard estimate") ///
    xtitle("analysis time") leg(order(1 "placebo" 2 "drug")) saving(gr3, replace))
    gr combine gr12.gph gr3.gph, row(1)
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Graph.png
Views:	1
Size:	74.1 KB
ID:	1644113

    Last edited by Andrew Musau; 07 Jan 2022, 23:16.

