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It was a question I have developed from a workshop I was set - I was not aware this was not allowed (this workshop was not graded or marked, it was part of a basic lesson in how to use STATA).
I did not see a point of leaving the question up since two people have commented this type of question is not allowed. Just to reiterate, this was not a homework or assingment question...
If I need to re-upload the question I am more than happy to do so?
in my opinion you can re-post the query provided that you give it a bit more structure (say, some details about the Stata workshop you attended to and why such a question was not replied by your instructor during the Q&A session that usually closes similar educational workshop). Far from being a police interview, this approach may increase your chances of getting helpful replies, being clear that your query is not related to an assignment.
In addition, it' s weird that your instructor did not introduce you to the wonderful capabilities of -fvvarlist- when it comes to create interactions (linear and squarrd age in your deleted outcomr table) and categorical variables.