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  • haven't use stata for long time, if anyone can help out. thank you

    (a) describing the data set, (b) listing 5–10 observations (perhaps 8–10 vari-
    ables at a time), (c) summarizing the data, and (d) tabulating the categorical variables. Also, confirm
    the structure of the data set by computing cross-tabulations of month and rotation group (mish). Drop
    any variables that don’t vary (e.g., eligorg). In what year are American Indians and Asians first
    included in race?

    How would you code this, and what would you use to see what year are American Indians and Asians first included in race

  • #2
    This looks like a homework problem to me, and the policy here is that those questions are off-topic. These questions are simple enough to be covered in the Getting Started guide included with your installation of Stata. Type -help gs- to choose the version of the manual specific to your OS. It will also give you a tour of the GUI and important aspects of using Stata.


    • #3
      In addition, far from me any intent to sound disrespectful to anyone, but the user name looks peculiar, too.
      Kind regards,
      (StataNow 18.5)

