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  • Esttab formatting to numbers in excel file

    Hi Statalist,

    I am using esttab from SSC in Stata 16.1 to make summary tables of tab (percents) in excel. In the excel cells, it is fomatting the output as ="". For example, using the sample code below it's outputting Domestic frequency in the excel cell as ="52" (visually appears as 52). Is there some way to have the output be a plain number in excel so the cell shows 52 (without the ="")?

    Thank you!

    sysuse auto

    eststo clear
    estpost tab foreign
    esttab using example.csv, cells("b(label(freq)) pct(fmt(2))") varlabels(, blist(Total)) nonumber noobs replace

  • #2
    Thanks for the reproducible example. Here is a way:

    sysuse auto, clear
    eststo clear
    estpost tab foreign
    esttab using example.csv, cells("b(label(freq)) pct(fmt(2))") varlabels(, blist(Total)) nonumber noobs replace
    import delimited example.csv, clear
    foreach var of varlist *{
        replace `var'= ustrregexra(`var', `"[="]"', "")
    export excel using example, replace

    Your wanted file is now example.xls whereas the esttab file is example.csv.


    • #3
      That works! Thank you.

