I am analyzing a cross sectional data of loans in the US using a logit model. the dependent variable is a dummy with 1 is the loan defaulted and 0 if the loan is paid in full. the data covers 51 states and 11 years ( 2007 to 2018) but it is cross sectional data, so the loan will appear once. the main dependent variable is a state level variable ( political corruption) . It is important to mention that the independent variable changes every year and changes from a state to another. Now because it is a state level variable, I clustered the standard errors on the state level and the model worked fine even after adding year dummies.
while it is a common practice in similar papers with panel data to add state fixed effects (dummies) to the model, my data is a cross sectional one and once I add state level dummies to the model, the whole model goes haywire and the dependent variable becomes not significant.
Now correct me if I am wrong , but it seems that once I add state fixed effects (dummies) to the model, I compare the same constant variable across observations in this state and year, hence my model should be fine without the state level dummies as long as I am clustering standard errors on state level.
I hope I explained the problem clearly. Thanks in advance.
I am analyzing a cross sectional data of loans in the US using a logit model. the dependent variable is a dummy with 1 is the loan defaulted and 0 if the loan is paid in full. the data covers 51 states and 11 years ( 2007 to 2018) but it is cross sectional data, so the loan will appear once. the main dependent variable is a state level variable ( political corruption) . It is important to mention that the independent variable changes every year and changes from a state to another. Now because it is a state level variable, I clustered the standard errors on the state level and the model worked fine even after adding year dummies.
while it is a common practice in similar papers with panel data to add state fixed effects (dummies) to the model, my data is a cross sectional one and once I add state level dummies to the model, the whole model goes haywire and the dependent variable becomes not significant.
Now correct me if I am wrong , but it seems that once I add state fixed effects (dummies) to the model, I compare the same constant variable across observations in this state and year, hence my model should be fine without the state level dummies as long as I am clustering standard errors on state level.
I hope I explained the problem clearly. Thanks in advance.