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  • Summary statistics, table

    Goodmorning, I need help on how to create a nice table for summary statistics. If is possible I would like to create a summary statistics similar to this one:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	er.png
Views:	1
Size:	48.9 KB
ID:	1643874

    (the picture was taken from a paper made by Isabel Ruiz and Carlos Vega Silva)

    my dataset is
    ----------------------- copy starting from the next line -----------------------
    * Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
    input byte cittad float(xcnt_cond_notold_t xcnt_cond_mf) byte sex
    1 .56624806 .6457422 1
    1 .56624806 .6457422 1
    1 .56624806  .488934 2
    1 .56624806 .6457422 1
    1 .56624806 .6457422 1
    1 .56624806 .6457422 1
    1 .56624806 .6457422 1
    1 .56624806  .488934 2
    1 .56624806  .488934 2
    1 .56624806  .488934 2
    1 .56624806  .488934 2
    1 .56624806 .6457422 1
    1 .56624806  .488934 2
    1 .56624806 .6457422 1
    1 .56624806 .6457422 1
    1 .56624806 .6457422 1
    1 .56624806 .6457422 1
    1 .56624806 .6457422 1
    1 .56624806 .6457422 1
    1 .56624806  .488934 2
    1 .56624806  .488934 2
    1 .56624806  .488934 2
    1 .56624806 .6457422 1
    1 .56624806  .488934 2
    1 .56624806  .488934 2
    1 .56624806  .488934 2
    1 .56624806  .488934 2
    1 .56624806  .488934 2
    1 .56624806 .6457422 1
    1 .56624806  .488934 2
    1 .56624806  .488934 2
    1 .56624806  .488934 2
    1 .56624806  .488934 2
    1 .56624806 .6457422 1
    1 .56624806  .488934 2
    1 .56624806 .6457422 1
    1 .56624806 .6457422 1
    1 .56624806 .6457422 1
    1 .56624806 .6457422 1
    1 .56624806  .488934 2
    1 .56624806 .6457422 1
    1 .56624806  .488934 2
    1 .56624806 .6457422 1
    1 .56624806  .488934 2
    1 .56624806  .488934 2
    1 .56624806  .488934 2
    1 .56624806  .488934 2
    1 .56624806  .488934 2
    1 .56624806 .6457422 1
    1 .56624806 .6457422 1
    1 .56624806  .488934 2
    1 .56624806 .6457422 1
    1 .56624806 .6457422 1
    1 .56624806  .488934 2
    1 .56624806 .6457422 1
    1 .56624806  .488934 2
    1 .56624806  .488934 2
    1 .56624806  .488934 2
    1 .56624806  .488934 2
    1 .56624806  .488934 2
    1         .        . 1
    1 .56624806 .6457422 1
    1 .56624806 .6457422 1
    1 .56624806 .6457422 1
    1 .56624806 .6457422 1
    1 .56624806 .6457422 1
    1 .56624806 .6457422 1
    1 .56624806  .488934 2
    1 .56624806 .6457422 1
    3 .3191417  .181912 1
    3 .3191417 .4428459 2
    3 .3191417 .4428459 2
    3 .3191417  .181912 1
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    3 .3191417 .4428459 2
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    3 .3191417 .4428459 2
    3 .3191417  .181912 1
    3 .3191417 .4428459 2
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    3 .3191417 .4428459 2
    3 .3191417 .4428459 2
    3        .        . 1
    3 .3191417 .4428459 2
    3 .3191417 .4428459 2
    3 .3191417  .181912 1
    3 .3191417 .4428459 2
    3 .3191417 .4428459 2
    3 .3191417 .4428459 2
    3 .3191417  .181912 1
    3 .3191417 .4428459 2
    3 .3191417 .4428459 2
    3 .3191417 .4428459 2
    3 .3191417 .4428459 2
    3 .3191417 .4428459 2
    3 .3191417  .181912 1
    3 .3191417 .4428459 2
    3 .3191417  .181912 1
    3 .3191417 .4428459 2
    3 .3191417 .4428459 2
    3 .3191417  .181912 1
    3 .3191417 .4428459 2
    3 .3191417 .4428459 2
    3 .3191417 .4428459 2
    3 .3191417 .4428459 2
    3 .3191417  .181912 1
    3        .        . 2
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    3 .3191417  .181912 1
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    3 .3191417  .181912 1
    3 .3191417 .4428459 2
    3 .3191417 .4428459 2
    3 .3191417 .4428459 2
    3 .3191417  .181912 1
    2 .26313707 .16777547 1
    2 .26313707   .321748 2
    2 .26313707   .321748 2
    2 .26313707 .16777547 1
    2 .26313707   .321748 2
    2 .26313707   .321748 2
    2 .26313707   .321748 2
    2         .         . 2
    2 .26313707   .321748 2
    2 .26313707   .321748 2
    2 .26313707   .321748 2
    2 .26313707 .16777547 1
    2 .26313707 .16777547 1
    2 .26313707   .321748 2
    2 .26313707 .16777547 1
    2         .         . 2
    2 .26313707   .321748 2
    2 .26313707   .321748 2
    2 .26313707   .321748 2
    2 .26313707 .16777547 1
    2 .26313707 .16777547 1
    2 .26313707   .321748 2
    2 .26313707   .321748 2
    2 .26313707   .321748 2
    2 .26313707   .321748 2
    2 .26313707   .321748 2
    2 .26313707   .321748 2
    2         .         . 2
    2 .26313707   .321748 2
    2 .26313707   .321748 2
    2         .         . 2
    2 .26313707 .16777547 1
    2 .26313707   .321748 2
    2 .26313707   .321748 2
    2 .26313707   .321748 2
    2 .26313707   .321748 2
    2 .26313707   .321748 2
    where cittad can take value from 1 to 3 and it indicate Native EconomicMigrants and Refugees, xcnt_cond_notold_t is the ratio between Worker and Total population and xcnt_cond_mf is the ratio between Worker and Total population but dividing for sex.
    What I'd like to create is a table where are displayed the overall ratio for each sex for the three different groups.
    Thankyou for the help.