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  • Collapse across multiple variables combinations


    I have a dataset that looks something like this

    Var1 Var2 Var3 Var4
    . . . .
    1 . . .
    1 1 . .
    . . . 1
    1 . 1 1
    1 1 . .
    1 . 1 1

    I would l like to be able to calculate the total across all of the combinations of the 4 variables so that i end up with:

    Var1 Var2 Var3 Var4 Total
    . . . . 1
    1 . . . 1
    1 1 . . 2
    . . . 1 1
    1 . 1 1 2

    I have managed to find a long-winded way to do this where I generate a variable to represent each of the combinations and then collapse this variable similar to below

    * Generate combinations *
    gen tot1 = .
    replace tot1 = 1 if Var1 == . & Var2 == . & Var3 == 1 & Var4 == .
    gen tot2 = .
    replace tot2 = 1 if Var1 == 1 & Var2 == . & Var3 == 1 & Var4 == .
    gen tot5 = .
    replace tot5 = 1 if Var1 == 1 & Var2 ==. & Var3 == 1 & Var4 == 1
    * Collapse for totals *
    collapse (sum) tot1 - tot5
    gen N = 1
    reshape long tot, i(N) j(Variable)
    rename tot Total
    drop N
    label define var 1 "No Variables" 2 "Var1" 3 "Var1 & Var2" 4 "Var4" 5 "Var1 & Var3 & Var4"
    label val Variable var
    But, as there are many more than 4 variables and a lot more combinations this method is very long-winded and it doesn't quite give me the form I would like.

    Any help is greatly appreciated!

    Best wishes,

  • #2
    help contract 


    • #3
      I wrote the original of contract and so can say something on why it was thought up,

      In principle you don't need it as

      bysort Var1 Var2 Var3 Var4 : gen freq = _N 
      collapse freq, by(Var1 Var2 Var3 Var4)
      gets you to the same place. But that is a trick that is easy to miss. The original used an invented name to follow StataCorp advice against using standard English words (advice I have ignored elsewhere) but once it was adopted as part of official Stata (in Stata 6) it seemed clear that as an opposite of expand it deserved the name contract.


      • #4
        Brilliant thank you very much for the help Nick!

