Dear all,
I am performing a fixed effect panel data: 20 countries over a 15-year period
DV: Gini-index
IV: FDI (second model including mediator governmental quality)
CONTROL: economic growth, education, unemployment
My question is: my supervisor advised me to create log variables for education and unemployment, just for the ease of interpretation (they are not skewed at all). In case I do so, do I only have to display them in my descriptives (along with their ‘’normal’’ values), or do I need to replace them also in the model equation (since he advised me to do it for the ease of interpretation).
Any help is much appreciated!
I am performing a fixed effect panel data: 20 countries over a 15-year period
DV: Gini-index
IV: FDI (second model including mediator governmental quality)
CONTROL: economic growth, education, unemployment
My question is: my supervisor advised me to create log variables for education and unemployment, just for the ease of interpretation (they are not skewed at all). In case I do so, do I only have to display them in my descriptives (along with their ‘’normal’’ values), or do I need to replace them also in the model equation (since he advised me to do it for the ease of interpretation).
Any help is much appreciated!