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  • Regression results (weighted and unweighted IV probit)

    I have been trying to estimate different models of a binary outcome variable (non-claim). I used different models as per the esttab command below once treating the main variable of interest (the amount of benefit) as exogenous and once instrumenting it. In the 2sls regression, I had to use the partial out due to the singleton dummy variable error. I show below only the results of the instrumented variable to keep it simple here.
     /*weighted iv (model 3)*/ ivprobit nclaim age age2 married i.eu_nat i.pgemplst_gen i.howner i.singlep i.dis_dummy  i.female i.east ib2.citysize i.haskids  (benamt =  ptransfers needs) [pw=hweight],  first
     ivreg2 nclaim age age2 married i.eu_nat i.pgemplst_gen i.howner i.singlep i.dis_dummy i.female i.east ib2.citysize i.haskids  
      (ben_amt =   ptransfers needs) [pw=hweight] if  head==1, partial(married i.howner i.singlep i.dis_dummy i.east i.haskids
    esttab probit melogit ivprobit ivprobitunweight iv2sls using myregfile.doc, star stats(r2 N)
                          (1)             (2)             (3)             (4)             (5)  
    ben_amt           -0.0168***      -0.0179***      -0.0317         -0.0210*       -0.00786  
                      (-3.82)         (-3.71)         (-1.74)         (-2.42)         (-1.58)  
    r2                                                                                  0.243  
    N                    4239            4239            4239            4239            4239  
    t statistics in parentheses
    * p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001
    Looking at the significance of the instrumented variable across the different models, it is significant (p<0.05) when the IV probit is unweighted but turns insignificant when it is weighted (model 3). I found both instrumental variables are highly significant in the first stage. Is there anything that I should pay attention to here? I'd better stick to using weights to correct for underrepresentation of population groups in this sample. I just don't know how to deal with different results for the instrumented variable when using the sample weights. Thanks in advance!
    Last edited by Hend She; 04 Jan 2022, 11:17.