I'm combining 4 graphs using -graph combine-. I'd like to label the rows and columns of the combined graph -- is there a way?
For example, in the -graph combine- statement at the end of the following code, I'd like to have label the columns "Pre-COVID" and "Post-COVID" and I'd like to label the rows "Nonpoor children" and "Poor children".
Suggestions welcome!
For example, in the -graph combine- statement at the end of the following code, I'd like to have label the columns "Pre-COVID" and "Post-COVID" and I'd like to label the rows "Nonpoor children" and "Poor children".
Suggestions welcome!
global effect_size = -0.2 global mean_nonpoor_pre = 0 global mean_poor_pre = invnormal(.21) global mean_nonpoor_post = $mean_nonpoor_pre + $effect_size global mean_poor_post = $mean_poor_pre + $effect_size global common_options xline(0) xscale(range(-4 3)) xtitle("") ytitle("") xlabel(none) ylabel(none) local left = $mean_nonpoor_pre-3 local right = $mean_nonpoor_pre+3 graph twoway (function y=normalden(x,$mean_nonpoor_pre,1), range(`left' `right') lw(thick)), $common_options saving(nonpoor_pre, replace) local left = $mean_poor_pre-3 local right = $mean_poor_pre+3 graph twoway (function y=normalden(x,$mean_poor_post,1), range(`left' `right') lw(thin)), $common_options saving(poor_pre, replace) local left = $mean_nonpoor_post-3 local right = $mean_nonpoor_post+3 graph twoway (function y=normalden(x,$mean_nonpoor_post,1), range(`left' `right') lw(thick)), $common_options saving(nonpoor_post, replace) local left = $mean_poor_post-3 local right = $mean_poor_post+3 graph twoway (function y=normalden(x,$mean_poor_post,1), range(`left' `right') lw(thin)), $common_options saving(poor_post, replace) graph combine nonpoor_pre.gph poor_pre.gph nonpoor_post.gph poor_post.gph