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  • Change Numeric Variable to Time

    I have a data set with a date and time variable as below. My ultimate goal is to calculate the different in hours between date1 at time1 and date2 at time2. However, I am having significant problems converting the time1 and time2 variable into a mm:hh format which I can then use to combine with my date variable. Any suggestions?
    date1 time1 date2 time2
    11/2/2016 11:00 11/3/2016 14:30
    11/15/2016 21:45 11/16/2016 11:45
    12/21/2016 9:30 12/22/2016 9:55
    11/16/2016 10:00 11/17/2016 10:00
    11/28/2016 8:26 11/29/2016 13:46
    12/1/2016 15:30 12/2/2016 13:49
    12/4/2016 18:25 12/6/2016 8:45
    12/14/2016 22:00 12/16/2016 8:45
    12/27/2016 14:50 12/28/2016 16:30
    12/29/2016 15:30 12/30/2016 10:00
    1/1/2017 18:40 1/2/2017 14:20
    1/4/2017 22:35 1/5/2017 11:40
    1/5/2017 1010 1/6/2017 15:50
    1/9/2017 1902 1/10/2017 15:10
    12/6/2016 1502 12/7/2016 9:29

  • #2
    Your data display, though well intended, is almost for the purpose of developing code. It provides none of the critically important metadata about the representation of these dates and times internal to Stata. It only tells us what they look like to your eyes-and that is of almost no value at all for this purpose. The useful way to show example data is to use the -dataex- command. If you are running version 17, 16 or a fully updated version 15.1 or 14.2, -dataex- is already part of your official Stata installation. If not, run -ssc install dataex- to get it. Either way, run -help dataex- to read the simple instructions for using it. -dataex- will save you time; it is easier and quicker than typing out tables. It includes complete information about aspects of the data that are often critical to answering your question but cannot be seen from tabular displays or screenshots. It also makes it possible for those who want to help you to create a faithful representation of your example to try out their code, which in turn makes it more likely that their answer will actually work in your data.

    If you post back with -datex- output to illustrate the problem, I'm confident you will get a timely and helpful response.


    • #3
      Thanks Clyde. Please see the -datex- output below.

      ----------------------- copy starting from the next line -----------------------
      * Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
      input int(dod tod doaut toaut_s)
      20832 1300 20835 1545
      20850  800 20852 1400
      20940 1540 20943 1142
      20950 1345 20951 1355
      20961  630 20961 1645
      20963 1400 20965 1355
      20979  440 20979 1450
      21001 1845 21003 1610
      21034  500 21035 1440
      21039 2337 21040 1345
      21040 2204 21041 1557
      21045 2130 21046 1530
      21046 1130 21047 1340
      21111 1740 21113 1247
      21128  735 21130 1515
      21131  730 21131 1400
      21139  620 21139 1556
      21144  600 21144 1530
      21209 2030 21210 1245
      21212 2030 21213 1533
      21217  745 21217 1501
      21263  730 21264 1420
      21378  130 21378 1219
      21384 1318 21385 1358
      21424  630 21425 1218
      21488 2350 21489 1302
      21510  210 21510 1325
      21513 2030 21515 1318
      21516  640 21516 1603
      21557  700 21557 1303
      21559  923 21560 1314
      21678 1900 21679 1303
      21690 1100 21692 1336
      20762  630 20762 1645
      20787 1945 20788 1200
      20796    5 20796 1522
      20800 1700 20801 1400
      20807 1520 20809  935
      20831 2345 20832 1535
      20835  415 20836 1632
      20838 1815 20839 1640
      20841 1320 20842 1525
      20849  900 20849 1642
      20849 1320 20850 1715
      20877 1230 20878 1548
      20880  430 20880 1600
      20883 1330 20884 1816
      20887  330 20888 1558
      20901  645 20902 1507
      20919  250 20919 1530
      20920  635 20920 1310
      20926 2125 20927 1715
      20948  615 20948 1530
      20957  330 20957 1220
      20958  500 20958 1555
      20970 1930 20971 1620
      20972  200 20972 1620
      20982  200 20984 1600
      20990  610 20991 1555
      20998 2020 21000 1516
      21003 2130 21004 1740
      21005 2300 21006 1712
      21011 2230 21012 1744
      21023 1240 21025 1548
      21031  130 21031 1618
      21033  720 21034 1301
      21041   57 21042 1533
      21044 1729 21045 1640
      21054 1900 21055 1618
      21055 1330 21056 1710
      21061   30 21061 1715
      21061 1430 21062 1820
      21065 1640 21067 1628
      21080  835 21082 1430
      21088 2105 21088 1631
      21100 1847 21102 1518
      21102 1920 21103 1535
      21103 1445 21104 1530
      21108 1615 21109 1433
      21110 1517 21111 1612
      21119  210 21119 1320
      21125  320 21125 1645
      21138  445 21138 1620
      21145  450 21145 1627
      21149 1615 21151 1453
      21158  215 21158 1358
      21159  330 21159 1638
      21160 1200 21161 1535
      21163 2325 21164 1730
      21163 1820 21165 1713
      21165 1233 21167 1404
      21166 2220 21168 1223
      21170 2201 21172 1342
      21174 1428 21175 1506
      21179 1355 21180 1652
      21181   17 21182 1622
      21185 2045 21186 1723
      21188 1030 21188 1605
      21192 1000 21192 1723
      21192 1635 21195 1137
      format %tdnn/dd/CCYY dod
      format %tdnn/dd/CCYY doaut
      ------------------ copy up to and including the previous line ------------------

      Listed 100 out of 202 observations
      Use the count() option to list more


      • #4
        Perhaps this example code will start you in a useful direction.
        generate double dt_od  = dhms(dod,   floor(tod    /100), mod(tod,    100),0), after(tod)
        generate double dt_aut = dhms(doaut, floor(toaut_s/100), mod(toaut_s,100),0), after(toaut_s)
        format %tc dt_od dt_aut
        list in 1/10, clean noobs
        . list in 1/10, clean noobs
                  dod    tod                dt_od       doaut   toaut_s               dt_aut  
            1/13/2017   1300   13jan2017 13:00:00   1/16/2017      1545   16jan2017 15:45:00  
            1/31/2017    800   31jan2017 08:00:00    2/2/2017      1400   02feb2017 14:00:00  
             5/1/2017   1540   01may2017 15:40:00    5/4/2017      1142   04may2017 11:42:00  
            5/11/2017   1345   11may2017 13:45:00   5/12/2017      1355   12may2017 13:55:00  
            5/22/2017    630   22may2017 06:30:00   5/22/2017      1645   22may2017 16:45:00  
            5/24/2017   1400   24may2017 14:00:00   5/26/2017      1355   26may2017 13:55:00  
             6/9/2017    440   09jun2017 04:40:00    6/9/2017      1450   09jun2017 14:50:00  
             7/1/2017   1845   01jul2017 18:45:00    7/3/2017      1610   03jul2017 16:10:00  
             8/3/2017    500   03aug2017 05:00:00    8/4/2017      1440   04aug2017 14:40:00  
             8/8/2017   2337   08aug2017 23:37:00    8/9/2017      1345   09aug2017 13:45:00
        Added in edit:

        Stata's "date and time" variables are complicated and there is a lot to learn. If you have not already read the very detailed Chapter 24 (Working with dates and times) of the Stata User's Guide PDF, do so now. If you have, it's time for a refresher. After that, the help datetime documentation will usually be enough to point the way. You can't remember everything; even the most experienced users end up referring to the help datetime documentation or back to the manual for details. But at least you will get a good understanding of the basics and the underlying principles. An investment of time that will be amply repaid.

        All Stata manuals are included as PDFs in the Stata installation and are accessible from within Stata - for example, through the PDF Documentation section of Stata's Help menu.
        Last edited by William Lisowski; 03 Jan 2022, 16:23.


        • #5
          foreach v of varlist tod toaut_s {
              gen byte `v'_hrs = floor(`v'/100)
              gen byte `v'_min = mod(`v', 100)
          gen double dod_datetime = cofC(Cdhms(dod, tod_hrs, tod_min, 0))
          gen double doaut_datetime = cofC(Cdhms(doaut, toaut_s_hrs, toaut_s_min, 0))
          format *_datetime %tc
          //  GET THE DIFFERENCE
          gen double time_difference_in_hours = clockdiff_frac(dod_datetime, doaut_datetime, "h")
          Added: Crossed with #4. The two solutions are largely the same.
          Last edited by Clyde Schechter; 03 Jan 2022, 16:56.


          • #6
            Thanks Clyde and William for these solutions. I struggled so much the day prior thinking about how to generate these new variables. I'll spend some more time with the datetime documentation.

