Dear statalist,
I want to output the results of 2 probit models using esttab, I present marginal effects instead of actual coefficients, but somehow the pseudo R2 row is blank in the output table.
Following, I add local r2_p= e(r2_p) before eststo, but that doesn't make any difference.
Please kindly advice me on what's wrong with the code.Thanks a lot!
I want to output the results of 2 probit models using esttab, I present marginal effects instead of actual coefficients, but somehow the pseudo R2 row is blank in the output table.
probit y xa x2 x3 eststo model_1: margins, dydx(*) post probit y xb x2 x3 eststo model_2: margins, dydx(*) post logout, save(file1) word replace fix(5): /// esttab model_1 model_2, /// mtitle(name1 name2) /// b(%6.3f) z(%6.3f) /// star(* 0.1 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) /// scalar(N r2_p) compress nogap
Please kindly advice me on what's wrong with the code.Thanks a lot!