Hello all,
I am working with longitudinal panel data (PSID). I would like to identify panelists who (1) attrited from the study and (2) joined the study during my sample period. I would also like to be able to identify mean/median # of waves that panelists participated in the study during the sample period. After running these stats, I would like to figure out if attrition is related to any of my independent variables of interest.
I am struggling to figure out how to identify the attritors, joiners, and the mean/median # of waves for the panelists. I was thinking of perhaps reshaping my data from long form to wide form and trying to create a dummy variables for attritors and joiners. I am generally unsure. After I identify the attritors and the joiners, my plan would then be to run a correlation matrix and perhaps a tobit or profit model to identify any association between attriting and my independent variables of interest.
Any help is much appreciated.
I am working with longitudinal panel data (PSID). I would like to identify panelists who (1) attrited from the study and (2) joined the study during my sample period. I would also like to be able to identify mean/median # of waves that panelists participated in the study during the sample period. After running these stats, I would like to figure out if attrition is related to any of my independent variables of interest.
I am struggling to figure out how to identify the attritors, joiners, and the mean/median # of waves for the panelists. I was thinking of perhaps reshaping my data from long form to wide form and trying to create a dummy variables for attritors and joiners. I am generally unsure. After I identify the attritors and the joiners, my plan would then be to run a correlation matrix and perhaps a tobit or profit model to identify any association between attriting and my independent variables of interest.
Any help is much appreciated.