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  • Xtabond2 for system GMM. Please help me for coding

    Hello to everyone, I am searching in terms of the effect of the uncertainty on the saving and in one part of my robustness check I want to do a Xtabond2 . I read the construction of doing xtabond2 from David Roodman . but I become confused. I have a panel data from 1996 to 2017. and :

    saving (i,t)= b0+b1saving (i,t-1)+b2 uncertainty (i,t-1)+ b3 X(i,t-1) +vt + vi+ e(i,t)

    and x(i,t-1) is a vector of controls, which in the baseline model includes only human capital and per capita income and economic growth.

    in the Xtabond2 I want to address a solution to the possible endogeneity problem between economic uncertainty and the saving by instrumenting them with suitable lagged variables. To obtain efficient findings in the System GMM estimations, I need evidence for the validity of the first-order autocorrelation in the residuals, but second-order autocorrelation must be rejected. Then We run the Sargan test to avoid possible over-identification problems.

    I did in this way, based on the things that I read, but I need your assistance:
     xtabond2 saving L.saving WUI  ln_gdpper HC economicgrowth_ i.Time i.ifscode , gmm(L.saving ,lag(1 2)) gmm( WUI     ,lag(1 1)) iv( WUI i.Time ) small two
    But I get error, however I am not an expert in this field. I hope I receive your assistance .

    Thank you very much in advance.


  • #2
    Without seeing the precise error message, there is not much we can do to help. Could it be that the underscore at the end of the variable name economicgrowth_ should not be there?


    • #3
      @Sebastian Kripfganz thank you so much for your reply. this is my error. However I do not know this is the correct way I do in the command?
      .  xtabond2 saving L.saving WUI  ln_gdpper HC economicgrowth_ i.Time i.ifscode ,
      >  gmm(L.saving ,lag(1 2)) gmm( WUI     ,lag(1 1)) iv( WUI i.Time ) small two
      Favoring space over speed. To switch, type or click on mata: mata set matafavor 
      > speed, perm.
      1996b.Time dropped due to collinearity
      2015.Time dropped due to collinearity
      111b.ifscode dropped due to collinearity
      466.ifscode dropped due to collinearity
      474.ifscode dropped due to collinearity
      626.ifscode dropped due to collinearity
      668.ifscode dropped due to collinearity
      676.ifscode dropped due to collinearity
      Equation not identified. Regessors outnumber instruments.
      Thank you so much .



      • #4
        As far as I can tell, you did not specify any instruments for the variables ln_gdpper HC economicgrowth_ and for the dummy variables i.ifscode. So, as the error message states, you have not enough instruments for the large number of regressors? Are you sure you need to include i.ifscode? The command automatically accounts for panel-specific fixed effects.


        • #5
          @ Sebastian Kripfganz thank you so much for your reply. they are my control variables. so I should also add any instrument for them ?



          • #6
            Originally posted by Khati Zolfaghari View Post
            they are my control variables. so I should also add any instrument for them ?
            Yes. I recommend to have a look at Roodman's documentation again about how to specify instruments for strictly exogenous variables.

            Alternatively, the following presentation might be useful:


            • #7
              @ Sebastian Kripfganz thank you so much for your reply and for sharing this link.


