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  • Count dependent variable with many zero values


    My dependent variable is the number of policies that a company has adopted in the given year. It ranges from 0 to 20 (maximum). In my sample, there are a lot of companies that have never adopted a related policy. Data is structured as an unbalanced panel. Independent variables are mostly continuous but some are dummies.

    I am considering a negative binomial regression (using xtnbreg command) or a zero-inflated model. Is it not good to use xtnbreg , fe? Is it better to use xtnbreg , pa? What is the right command to run a zero-inflated model for panel data?

  • #2
    Dear Sang-Bum Park,

    Is 20 the maximum in the sample or the maximum the variable can take? Anyway, I would start with a Poisson regression, possibly with fixed effects because it is much more robust than any of the approaches you are considering.

    Best wishes,



    • #3
      Thank you, Joao Santos Silva for your answer. I will use the xtpoisson command with a specific model option.


      • #4
        Dear Joao Santos Silva,

        Could you advise me on how I can get the results of Poisson regressions faster? I ran a Poisson regression by using the xtpoisson command and the fe option. But, it is running for more than twenty minutes and still shows Iteration messages like below.

        Click image for larger version

Name:	Capture.JPG
Views:	1
Size:	73.8 KB
ID:	1643315


        • #5
          Please use the user-written ppmlhdfe command; check the help file before using it to familiarize yourself with the syntax.


          • #6
            Joao Santos Silva Thank you. Very helpful.

