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  • identify common ownership of shareholders

    Dear statalist,

    I have a set of data with the following variables: year, symbol (symbol of each firm), industry (industry the firm belongs to), shareholder_ID, holding (how many shares the shareholder holds for a firm). A firm has multiple shareholders in a year and the data spans over 10 years.

    I would like to construct 3 variables:
    1. a dummy variable common_dum indicating whether a firm shares common shareholders with at least one other firm in the same industry in a year.
    2. a variable common_num counting the number of common shareholders a firm shares with other firms in the same industry in a year.
    3. a variable common_percent summing all percentage of common shareholds in a firm in a year.

    Here is a simplified example of the data:
    year    symbol    industry    shareholder_ID    holding
    2009    1    A    501    2.3
    2009    1    A    502    1.2
    2009    1    A    511    6.8
    2009    2    A    535    3.1
    2009    2    A    511    2.2
    2009    3    B    522    10.6
    2009    3    B    548    4.6
    2009    4    C    538    3.3
    2009    4    C    577    1
    2009    5    B    522    4.9
    2009    5    B    548    15.8
    2009    5    B    514    9.8
    Thanks a lot for any advice!

  • #2
    * Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
    input int year byte symbol str1 industry int sh_id float holding
    2009 1 "A" 501  2.3
    2009 1 "A" 502  1.2
    2009 1 "A" 511  6.8
    2009 2 "A" 535  3.1
    2009 2 "A" 511  2.2
    2009 3 "B" 522 10.6
    2009 3 "B" 548  4.6
    2009 4 "C" 538  3.3
    2009 4 "C" 577    1
    2009 5 "B" 522  4.9
    2009 5 "B" 548 15.8
    2009 5 "B" 514  9.8
    generate original_order = _n
    bysort year industry sh_id (symbol): generate multi = _N>1
    bysort year symbol: egen com_dum = max(multi)
    bysort year symbol: egen com_num = total(multi)
    bysort year symbol: gen  com_pct = com_num/_N
    sort original_order
    drop original_order
    list, noobs sepby(year symbol) abbreviate(20)
    . list, noobs sepby(year symbol) abbreviate(20)
      | year   symbol   industry   sh_id   holding   multi   com_dum   com_num    com_pct |
      | 2009        1          A     501       2.3       0         1         1   .3333333 |
      | 2009        1          A     502       1.2       0         1         1   .3333333 |
      | 2009        1          A     511       6.8       1         1         1   .3333333 |
      | 2009        2          A     535       3.1       0         1         1         .5 |
      | 2009        2          A     511       2.2       1         1         1         .5 |
      | 2009        3          B     522      10.6       1         1         2          1 |
      | 2009        3          B     548       4.6       1         1         2          1 |
      | 2009        4          C     538       3.3       0         0         0          0 |
      | 2009        4          C     577         1       0         0         0          0 |
      | 2009        5          B     522       4.9       1         1         2   .6666667 |
      | 2009        5          B     548      15.8       1         1         2   .6666667 |
      | 2009        5          B     514       9.8       0         1         2   .6666667 |


    • #3
      Hi William,

      That works perfectly! Thanks a lot!

