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  • Interaction plot after poisson regression

    Hello everyone,

    after running the following regression:

    xtpoisson patents cL.ln_xrdintensity##cL.Numberofmergers cL2.ln_xrdintensity##cL2.Numberofmergers cL3.ln_xrdintensity##cL3.Numberofmergers L.ln_emp i.YearEffective, fe vce(robust)
    I want to generate an interaction plot in order to be able to examine the observed interaction effects using the following code (example for the first interaction):

    margins, at(l.ln_xrdintensity=(0(0.1)1) l.Numberofmergers=(0(1)5)) vsquish
    marginsplot, title(One - year lagged interaction effect) xtitle(R&D intensity{subscript:t-1}, size(medsmall)) ytitle(Linear prediction of patents{subscript:t}, size(medsmall)) plot1opts(msymbol(O )) plot2opts(msymbol( D )) plot3opts(msymbol( T )) plot4opts(msymbol( S )) plot5opts(msymbol( Oh )) plot6opts(msymbol( Dh )) saving("Margins_1", replace)

    This results to the following:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Margins_1.png
Views:	2
Size:	64.5 KB
ID:	1643236

    Three questions arose to this:

    1: As I ran a poisson regression, I am wondering whether the graph is correct like this, as the relations displayed are linear. If not, how can i show non-linear relations?

    2: Is it possible to manually change the name of the variables in the box below?

    3: How can I reduce the size of the values at the x- and y axes?

    Thank you and best regards

