Hi, How do I test for the joint significance of the dummy variables using Stata commands?
. sysuse auto, clear (1978 automobile data) . regress price mpg i.rep78 Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 69 -------------+---------------------------------- F(5, 63) = 4.39 Model | 149020603 5 29804120.7 Prob > F = 0.0017 Residual | 427776355 63 6790100.88 R-squared = 0.2584 -------------+---------------------------------- Adj R-squared = 0.1995 Total | 576796959 68 8482308.22 Root MSE = 2605.8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ price | Coefficient Std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- mpg | -280.2615 61.57666 -4.55 0.000 -403.3126 -157.2103 | rep78 | 2 | 877.6347 2063.285 0.43 0.672 -3245.51 5000.78 3 | 1425.657 1905.438 0.75 0.457 -2382.057 5233.371 4 | 1693.841 1942.669 0.87 0.387 -2188.274 5575.956 5 | 3131.982 2041.049 1.53 0.130 -946.7282 7210.693 | _cons | 10449.99 2251.041 4.64 0.000 5951.646 14948.34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ . testparm i.rep78 ( 1) 2.rep78 = 0 ( 2) 3.rep78 = 0 ( 3) 4.rep78 = 0 ( 4) 5.rep78 = 0 F( 4, 63) = 1.07 Prob > F = 0.3780 .
. sysuse auto, clear (1978 automobile data) . regress price mpg i.rep78 Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 69 -------------+---------------------------------- F(5, 63) = 4.39 Model | 149020603 5 29804120.7 Prob > F = 0.0017 Residual | 427776355 63 6790100.88 R-squared = 0.2584 -------------+---------------------------------- Adj R-squared = 0.1995 Total | 576796959 68 8482308.22 Root MSE = 2605.8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ price | Coefficient Std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- mpg | -280.2615 61.57666 -4.55 0.000 -403.3126 -157.2103 | rep78 | 2 | 877.6347 2063.285 0.43 0.672 -3245.51 5000.78 3 | 1425.657 1905.438 0.75 0.457 -2382.057 5233.371 4 | 1693.841 1942.669 0.87 0.387 -2188.274 5575.956 5 | 3131.982 2041.049 1.53 0.130 -946.7282 7210.693 | _cons | 10449.99 2251.041 4.64 0.000 5951.646 14948.34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ . estimates store full . regress price mpg if e(sample) Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 69 -------------+---------------------------------- F(1, 67) = 17.58 Model | 119910002 1 119910002 Prob > F = 0.0001 Residual | 456886957 67 6819208.31 R-squared = 0.2079 -------------+---------------------------------- Adj R-squared = 0.1961 Total | 576796959 68 8482308.22 Root MSE = 2611.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ price | Coefficient Std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- mpg | -226.3607 53.98091 -4.19 0.000 -334.107 -118.6143 _cons | 10965.23 1191.468 9.20 0.000 8587.05 13343.41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ . estimates store part . lrtest full part Likelihood-ratio test Assumption: part nested within full LR chi2(4) = 4.54 Prob > chi2 = 0.3375 .