William Lisowski , Sorry for the unclear description for the codes, which I should have shown in #1. The codes consists of two stages:
1) OLS regression for the estimates for all firms' expected outputs (lny_10) and error terms (epsilon) in each industry so that
2) In the 2nd stage (MATA), using GMM, I estimates for all output production function coefficients of each firm in each industry by relying on a simple assumption that productivity follows a random process.
So throughout these two processes, I am expecting to generate "DLW simplified ind `i'.dta" where `i' denotes each industry.
But like you explained, the local macro is no longer defined outside the loop, I guess that's why I cannot have all the .dta for each industry.
I think now the remaining question is how to modify the remaining part of the code after executing stage 1 and 2 so that I may be able to produce each .dta file for each industry.
Let me try again based on your suggestions and others. Please let me know if you have any tip for the improvement. Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you so much.
p.s. For now, the most updated version of the original codes based on all the suggestions above is the following:
1) OLS regression for the estimates for all firms' expected outputs (lny_10) and error terms (epsilon) in each industry so that
2) In the 2nd stage (MATA), using GMM, I estimates for all output production function coefficients of each firm in each industry by relying on a simple assumption that productivity follows a random process.
So throughout these two processes, I am expecting to generate "DLW simplified ind `i'.dta" where `i' denotes each industry.
But like you explained, the local macro is no longer defined outside the loop, I guess that's why I cannot have all the .dta for each industry.
I think now the remaining question is how to modify the remaining part of the code after executing stage 1 and 2 so that I may be able to produce each .dta file for each industry.
Let me try again based on your suggestions and others. Please let me know if you have any tip for the improvement. Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you so much.
p.s. For now, the most updated version of the original codes based on all the suggestions above is the following:
qui { clear mata foreach i of numlist 3 10/17 19/33 35 41 42 45/47 49/52 58/64 71 72 75 91{ use if ksic1c == `i' using "D:\markupest\firmdata.d3.dta", clear noisily display "KSIC `i' `c(N)' observations" // ksic1c: 2-digit KSIC *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * OLS REGRESSION FOR STARTING VALUES & First stage // xi: reg y l k i.year xi: reg lny_10 lnl lnk_10 i.year // lny_10: log of Real Value Added (denominated by 2010 PPI), lnl: log of Number of Workers, lnk_10: log of Real Average Capital Stock (denominated by 2010 PPI) gen blols=_b[lnl] gen bkols=_b[lnk_10] predict phiS predict epsilon, res label var phiS "Expected value added" label var epsilon "Measurement error first stage" bys firmid (year): gen phiS_lag=phiS[_n-1] // firmid: company ID bys firmid (year): gen lnl_lag=lnl[_n-1] bys firmid (year): gen lnk_10_lag=lnk_10[_n-1] *---COMPUTE CORRECTED SHARES-------------------------------------------------------------------------* gen va_c=exp(lny_10-epsilon) gen alpha_l=wb_10/va_c // wb: Real Wage Bill (denominated by 2010 PPI) *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* drop _I* sort firmid year gen const=1 drop if lnl_lag==. drop if lnk_10==. drop if phiS==. drop if phiS_lag==. drop if lny_10==. } qui { *-------------------------------------BEGIN MATA PROGRAM--------------------------------------------* mata: void GMM_DLW(todo,betas,crit,g,H) { PHI=st_data(.,("phiS")) PHI_LAG=st_data(.,("phiS_lag")) Z=st_data(.,("const","lnl_lag","lnk_10")) X=st_data(.,("const","lnl","lnk_10")) X_lag=st_data(.,("const","lnl_lag","lnk_10_lag")) Y=st_data(.,("lny_10")) C=st_data(.,("const")) OMEGA=PHI-X*betas' OMEGA_lag=PHI_LAG-X_lag*betas' OMEGA_lag_pol=(C,OMEGA_lag) g_b = invsym(OMEGA_lag_pol'OMEGA_lag_pol)*OMEGA_lag_pol'OMEGA XI=OMEGA-OMEGA_lag_pol*g_b crit=(Z'XI)'(Z'XI) } void DLW() { S=optimize_init() optimize_init_evaluator(S, &GMM_DLW()) optimize_init_evaluatortype(S,"d0") optimize_init_technique(S, "nm") optimize_init_nmsimplexdeltas(S, 0.1) optimize_init_which(S,"min") optimize_init_params(S,(0,0,0)) p=optimize(S) p st_matrix("beta_dlw",p) } end *-----------------------------------------END MATA PROGRAM---------------------------------------* cap program drop dlw program dlw, rclass preserve sort firmid year mata DLW() end *------------------------------------COMPUTE MARKUPS --------------------------------------------* // OLS, DLW estimates for variable input (here labor) are used to compute markup distribution *------------------------------------ACF estimates-----------------------------------------------* dlw gen beta_cS=beta_dlw[1,1] gen beta_lS=beta_dlw[1,2] gen beta_kS=beta_dlw[1,3] gen mu_dlwS=beta_lS/alpha_l // Markup gen tfp_dlwS=phiS-beta_lS*lnl-beta_kS*lnk_10 // TFP *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * collect markup estimates and productivity for analysis: keep firmid year ksic1c mu_dlwS tfp_dlwS lbg30 lny lny_10 lnl lnk_10 beta_*S save "DLW simplified ind `i'.dta" } } *** Appending the data sets use "DLW simplified ind 3.dta", clear save "DLW simplified total.dta", replace foreach I of numlist 10/17 19/33 35 41 42 45/47 49/52 58/64 71 72 75 91{ use "DLW simplified total.dta", clear append using "DLW simplified ind `I'.dta" save "DLW simplified total.dta", replace }