Hello all,
I am estimating a first differences model of the following form for 16 countries and 12 time periods: ΔYit = ß0 + ß1ΔXit + øt + λR + ɛit
ΔYit is the change in the manufacturing share in country i between year t and t+1.
ΔXit is the change in import exposure in country i between year t and t+1.
Vector λR contains five dummies for different parts of Europe (e.g. Dummy north is equal to 1 if the country is Sweden, Denmark, or Norway, and zero otherwise)
Related literature uses standard errors clustered on these regions, i.e., clustered on these different dummies (north, east, south, west, central).
How do I incorporate this into my code?
Thank you!
I am estimating a first differences model of the following form for 16 countries and 12 time periods: ΔYit = ß0 + ß1ΔXit + øt + λR + ɛit
ΔYit is the change in the manufacturing share in country i between year t and t+1.
ΔXit is the change in import exposure in country i between year t and t+1.
Vector λR contains five dummies for different parts of Europe (e.g. Dummy north is equal to 1 if the country is Sweden, Denmark, or Norway, and zero otherwise)
xtset year xtreg diff_y diff_x north east south west central, r
How do I incorporate this into my code?
Thank you!