Hello all,
I am estimating a first differences model of the following form for 16 countries and 12 time periods: ΔYit = ß0 + ß1ΔXit + øt + λi + ɛit
The available panel data is already in differences, i.e., I have data on ∆Yit and ∆Xit only (Yit and Xit are not available).
∆Yit and ∆Xit are saved as diff_y and diff_x in my Excel dataset; hence I use the following code to estimate the model:
Is that OK like that, or do I need to tell Stata somehow that I am estimating a first-differences model?
Thank you!
I am estimating a first differences model of the following form for 16 countries and 12 time periods: ΔYit = ß0 + ß1ΔXit + øt + λi + ɛit
The available panel data is already in differences, i.e., I have data on ∆Yit and ∆Xit only (Yit and Xit are not available).
∆Yit and ∆Xit are saved as diff_y and diff_x in my Excel dataset; hence I use the following code to estimate the model:
xtset country year xi: xtreg diff_y diff_x, fe vce(cluster country)
Thank you!