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  • Adding number of individuals (clusters) to output table after ologit using esttab

    Dear all,
    I am trying to add the number of individuals after using the margins command.
    I am puzzled why the following does not work. It only states at the bottom of the marginal effects table "Individuals" without reporting the numbers; however, "Observations" are reported.
    ologit match f2 f4 f6 f8 f10 f12 f14 i.year if fd==1, vce(cluster pidp)
    margins, dydx(f2 f4 f6 f8 f10 f12 f14) post
    eststo est1  
    ologit match f2 f4 f6 f8 f10 f12 f14  i.year if fd==0, vce(cluster pidp)
    margins, dydx(f2 f4 f6 f8 f10 f12 f14) post
    eststo est2 
    esttab est1 est2 using $graphs_tables/overed_marginalraw.tex, replace label  star(* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) keep(1._predict 3._predict) nonotes b(3) se(3)  ///
    mtitles("IM w/o" "IM with") s(N_clust N, fmt(%9.0f) label("Individuals" "Observations"))  ///
    coeflabels(1._predict "Under-Educated" 3._predict "Over-Educated") numbers
    I would appreciate your help.
    Happy New Year!