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  • Converting Date-Month-Year (string) to year

    Dear Stata Members
    I have an issue which I know is the most answered questions in this form, I tried using some past posts but to no avail. My issue is reproduced. Incorp is the variable from which I need to extract year

    describe incorp
    Variable      Storage   Display    Value
        name         type    format    label      Variable label
    incorp          str9    %9s

    list incorp in 1/40
         |    incorp |
      1. |           |
      2. |           |
      3. |           |
      4. |           |
      5. |           |
      6. |           |
      7. |           |
      8. |           |
      9. |           |
     10. |           |
     11. |           |
     12. |           |
     13. |           |
     14. |           |
     15. |           |
     16. |           |
     17. |           |
     18. |           |
     19. |           |
     20. |           |
     21. |           |
     22. |           |
     23. | 05-May-86 |
     24. | 05-May-86 |
     25. | 05-May-86 |
     26. | 05-May-86 |
     27. | 05-May-86 |
     28. | 05-May-86 |
     29. | 05-May-86 |
     30. | 05-May-86 |
     31. | 05-May-86 |
     32. | 05-May-86 |
     33. | 05-May-86 |
     34. | 05-May-86 |
     35. | 05-May-86 |
     36. | 05-May-86 |
     37. | 05-May-86 |
     38. | 05-May-86 |
     39. | 05-May-86 |
     40. | 05-May-86 |

    I tried using
    generate numyear = date(incorp, "MDY")
    (408,405 missing values generated)
    . mdesc numyear
        Variable    |     Missing          Total     Percent Missing
            numyear |     408,405        408,405         100.00
    My issue is to extract 1986 if the year is 05-May-86. That is the calendar year. How to do that

  • #2
    provided that becoming proficient with date-related issues is really challenging even after years of Stata practising (this is my experience, at least), you may want to try:
    set obs 1
    . g time_string="05-May-86"
    . generate double timestamp = clock( time_string, "DMY", 1986)
    . format timestamp %tcDDmonYY
    . list
         | time_st~g   timest~p |
      1. | 05-May-86    05may86 |
    Studying (and rehearsing when you think you get it) all the date-related entries in Stata .pdf manual is warmly recommended.
    Kind regards,
    (StataNow 18.5)


    • #3
      You're not new to Statalist and should be aware of advice at and

      Please look again at the help for daily() or date().

      help daily()

      With your kind of daily date, the century is not explicit.

      This should work: year(daily(incorp, "DMY", 2021))

      . clear
      . set obs 1
      Number of observations (_N) was 0, now 1.
      . gen incorp = "05-may-86"
      . gen year = year(daily(incorp, "DMY", 2021))
      . l
           |    incorp   year |
        1. | 05-may-86   1986 |
      This should also work

      . gen YEAR = real(substr(incorp, -2, 2))
      . replace YEAR = cond(YEAR <= 21, 2000 + YEAR, 1900 + YEAR)
      If the code seems obscure, look at the documentation for each function used:

      help substr()
      help real()
      help cond()


      • #4
        Dear Carlo Lazzaro, thanks for the timely help, and I missed even my lunch to figure out what is really wrong. Regarding your code, how can I apply it to my general context? Rubbing Salt to Wound, I realized that
        I have both formats, for instance, dateofincorporation is my variable
        I am attaching my sample data

        * Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
        input str14 ric int year str10 dateofincorporation
        "000002.SZ" 1999 "5/30/1984"
        "000002.SZ" 2000 "5/30/1984"
        "000002.SZ" 2001 "5/30/1984"
        "000002.SZ" 2002 "5/30/1984"
        "000002.SZ" 2003 "5/30/1984"
        "000002.SZ" 2004 "5/30/1984"
        "000002.SZ" 2005 "5/30/1984"
        "000002.SZ" 2006 "5/30/1984"
        "000002.SZ" 2007 "5/30/1984"
        "000002.SZ" 2008 "5/30/1984"
        "000002.SZ" 2009 "5/30/1984"
        "000002.SZ" 2010 "5/30/1984"
        "000002.SZ" 2011 "5/30/1984"
        "000002.SZ" 2012 "5/30/1984"
        "000002.SZ" 2013 "5/30/1984"
        "000002.SZ" 2014 "5/30/1984"
        "000002.SZ" 2015 "5/30/1984"
        "000002.SZ" 2016 "5/30/1984"
        "000002.SZ" 2017 "5/30/1984"
        "000002.SZ" 2018 "5/30/1984"
        "000002.SZ" 2019 "5/30/1984"
        "000002.SZ" 2020 "5/30/1984"
        "000004.SZ" 2000 "05-05-1986"
        "000004.SZ" 2001 "05-05-1986"
        "000004.SZ" 2002 "05-05-1986"
        "000004.SZ" 2003 "05-05-1986"
        "000004.SZ" 2004 "05-05-1986"
        "000004.SZ" 2005 "05-05-1986"
        "000004.SZ" 2006 "05-05-1986"
        "000004.SZ" 2007 "05-05-1986"
        "000004.SZ" 2008 "05-05-1986"
        "000004.SZ" 2009 "05-05-1986"
        "000004.SZ" 2010 "05-05-1986"
        "000004.SZ" 2011 "05-05-1986"
        "000004.SZ" 2012 "05-05-1986"
        "000004.SZ" 2013 "05-05-1986"
        "000004.SZ" 2014 "05-05-1986"
        "000004.SZ" 2015 "05-05-1986"
        "000004.SZ" 2016 "05-05-1986"
        "000004.SZ" 2017 "05-05-1986"
        "000004.SZ" 2018 "05-05-1986"
        "000004.SZ" 2019 "05-05-1986"
        "000004.SZ" 2020 "05-05-1986"
        "000005.SZ" 1999 "05-08-1989"
        "000005.SZ" 2000 "05-08-1989"
        "000005.SZ" 2001 "05-08-1989"
        "000005.SZ" 2002 "05-08-1989"
        "000005.SZ" 2003 "05-08-1989"
        "000005.SZ" 2004 "05-08-1989"
        "000005.SZ" 2005 "05-08-1989"
        "000005.SZ" 2006 "05-08-1989"
        "000005.SZ" 2007 "05-08-1989"
        "000005.SZ" 2008 "05-08-1989"
        "000005.SZ" 2009 "05-08-1989"
        "000005.SZ" 2010 "05-08-1989"
        "000005.SZ" 2011 "05-08-1989"
        "000005.SZ" 2012 "05-08-1989"
        "000005.SZ" 2013 "05-08-1989"
        "000005.SZ" 2014 "05-08-1989"
        "000005.SZ" 2015 "05-08-1989"
        "000005.SZ" 2016 "05-08-1989"
        "000005.SZ" 2017 "05-08-1989"
        "000005.SZ" 2018 "05-08-1989"
        "000005.SZ" 2019 "05-08-1989"
        "000005.SZ" 2020 "05-08-1989"
        "000006.SZ" 1999 "5/25/1989"
        "000006.SZ" 2000 "5/25/1989"
        "000006.SZ" 2001 "5/25/1989"
        "000006.SZ" 2002 "5/25/1989"
        "000006.SZ" 2003 "5/25/1989"
        "000006.SZ" 2004 "5/25/1989"
        "000006.SZ" 2005 "5/25/1989"
        "000006.SZ" 2006 "5/25/1989"
        "000006.SZ" 2007 "5/25/1989"
        "000006.SZ" 2008 "5/25/1989"
        "000006.SZ" 2009 "5/25/1989"
        "000006.SZ" 2010 "5/25/1989"
        "000006.SZ" 2011 "5/25/1989"
        "000006.SZ" 2012 "5/25/1989"
        "000006.SZ" 2013 "5/25/1989"
        "000006.SZ" 2014 "5/25/1989"
        "000006.SZ" 2015 "5/25/1989"
        "000006.SZ" 2016 "5/25/1989"
        "000006.SZ" 2017 "5/25/1989"
        "000006.SZ" 2018 "5/25/1989"
        "000006.SZ" 2019 "5/25/1989"
        "000006.SZ" 2020 "5/25/1989"
        "000007.SZ" 1999 "03-11-1983"
        "000007.SZ" 2000 "03-11-1983"
        "000007.SZ" 2001 "03-11-1983"
        "000007.SZ" 2002 "03-11-1983"
        "000007.SZ" 2003 "03-11-1983"
        "000007.SZ" 2004 "03-11-1983"
        "000007.SZ" 2005 "03-11-1983"
        "000007.SZ" 2006 "03-11-1983"
        "000007.SZ" 2007 "03-11-1983"
        "000007.SZ" 2008 "03-11-1983"
        "000007.SZ" 2009 "03-11-1983"
        "000007.SZ" 2010 "03-11-1983"
        "000007.SZ" 2011 "03-11-1983"
        "000007.SZ" 2012 "03-11-1983"
        "000007.SZ" 2013 "03-11-1983"
        "000007.SZ" 2014 "03-11-1983"
        "000007.SZ" 2015 "03-11-1983"
        "000007.SZ" 2016 "03-11-1983"
        "000007.SZ" 2017 "03-11-1983"
        "000007.SZ" 2018 "03-11-1983"
        "000007.SZ" 2019 "03-11-1983"
        "000007.SZ" 2020 "03-11-1983"
        "000008.SZ" 2000 "10-11-1989"
        "000008.SZ" 2001 "10-11-1989"
        "000008.SZ" 2002 "10-11-1989"
        "000008.SZ" 2003 "10-11-1989"
        "000008.SZ" 2004 "10-11-1989"
        "000008.SZ" 2005 "10-11-1989"
        "000008.SZ" 2006 "10-11-1989"
        "000008.SZ" 2007 "10-11-1989"
        "000008.SZ" 2008 "10-11-1989"
        "000008.SZ" 2009 "10-11-1989"
        "000008.SZ" 2010 "10-11-1989"
        "000008.SZ" 2011 "10-11-1989"
        "000008.SZ" 2012 "10-11-1989"
        "000008.SZ" 2013 "10-11-1989"
        "000008.SZ" 2014 "10-11-1989"
        "000008.SZ" 2015 "10-11-1989"
        "000008.SZ" 2016 "10-11-1989"
        "000008.SZ" 2017 "10-11-1989"
        "000008.SZ" 2018 "10-11-1989"
        "000008.SZ" 2019 "10-11-1989"
        "000008.SZ" 2020 "10-11-1989"
        "000009.SZ" 1999 "10-08-1990"
        "000009.SZ" 2000 "10-08-1990"
        "000009.SZ" 2001 "10-08-1990"
        "000009.SZ" 2002 "10-08-1990"
        "000009.SZ" 2003 "10-08-1990"
        "000009.SZ" 2004 "10-08-1990"
        "000009.SZ" 2005 "10-08-1990"
        "000009.SZ" 2006 "10-08-1990"
        "000009.SZ" 2007 "10-08-1990"
        "000009.SZ" 2008 "10-08-1990"
        "000009.SZ" 2009 "10-08-1990"
        "000009.SZ" 2010 "10-08-1990"
        "000009.SZ" 2011 "10-08-1990"
        "000009.SZ" 2012 "10-08-1990"
        "000009.SZ" 2013 "10-08-1990"
        "000009.SZ" 2014 "10-08-1990"
        "000009.SZ" 2015 "10-08-1990"
        "000009.SZ" 2016 "10-08-1990"
        "000009.SZ" 2017 "10-08-1990"
        "000009.SZ" 2018 "10-08-1990"
        "000009.SZ" 2019 "10-08-1990"
        "000009.SZ" 2020 "10-08-1990"
        "000010.SZ" 1999 "01-09-1989"
        "000010.SZ" 2000 "01-09-1989"
        "000010.SZ" 2001 "01-09-1989"
        "000010.SZ" 2002 "01-09-1989"
        "000010.SZ" 2003 "01-09-1989"
        "000010.SZ" 2004 "01-09-1989"
        "000010.SZ" 2005 "01-09-1989"
        "000010.SZ" 2006 "01-09-1989"
        "000010.SZ" 2007 "01-09-1989"
        "000010.SZ" 2008 "01-09-1989"
        "000010.SZ" 2009 "01-09-1989"
        "000010.SZ" 2010 "01-09-1989"
        "000010.SZ" 2011 "01-09-1989"
        "000010.SZ" 2012 "01-09-1989"
        "000010.SZ" 2013 "01-09-1989"
        "000010.SZ" 2014 "01-09-1989"
        "000010.SZ" 2015 "01-09-1989"
        "000010.SZ" 2016 "01-09-1989"
        "000010.SZ" 2017 "01-09-1989"
        "000010.SZ" 2018 "01-09-1989"
        "000010.SZ" 2019 "01-09-1989"
        "000010.SZ" 2020 "01-09-1989"
        "000011.SZ" 1999 "1/17/1983"
        "000011.SZ" 2000 "1/17/1983"
        "000011.SZ" 2001 "1/17/1983"
        "000011.SZ" 2002 "1/17/1983"
        "000011.SZ" 2003 "1/17/1983"
        "000011.SZ" 2004 "1/17/1983"
        "000011.SZ" 2005 "1/17/1983"
        "000011.SZ" 2006 "1/17/1983"
        "000011.SZ" 2007 "1/17/1983"
        "000011.SZ" 2008 "1/17/1983"
        "000011.SZ" 2009 "1/17/1983"
        "000011.SZ" 2010 "1/17/1983"
        "000011.SZ" 2011 "1/17/1983"
        "000011.SZ" 2012 "1/17/1983"
        "000011.SZ" 2013 "1/17/1983"
        "000011.SZ" 2014 "1/17/1983"
        "000011.SZ" 2015 "1/17/1983"
        "000011.SZ" 2016 "1/17/1983"
        "000011.SZ" 2017 "1/17/1983"
        "000011.SZ" 2018 "1/17/1983"
        "000011.SZ" 2019 "1/17/1983"
        "000011.SZ" 2020 "1/17/1983"
        "000012.SZ" 1999 "09-10-1984"
        "000012.SZ" 2000 "09-10-1984"
        "000012.SZ" 2001 "09-10-1984"
        "000012.SZ" 2002 "09-10-1984"
        "000012.SZ" 2003 "09-10-1984"
        "000012.SZ" 2004 "09-10-1984"
        "000012.SZ" 2005 "09-10-1984"
        "000012.SZ" 2006 "09-10-1984"
        "000012.SZ" 2007 "09-10-1984"
        "000012.SZ" 2008 "09-10-1984"
        "000012.SZ" 2009 "09-10-1984"
        "000012.SZ" 2010 "09-10-1984"
        "000012.SZ" 2011 "09-10-1984"
        "000012.SZ" 2012 "09-10-1984"
        "000012.SZ" 2013 "09-10-1984"
        "000012.SZ" 2014 "09-10-1984"
        "000012.SZ" 2015 "09-10-1984"
        "000012.SZ" 2016 "09-10-1984"
        "000012.SZ" 2017 "09-10-1984"
        "000012.SZ" 2018 "09-10-1984"
        "000012.SZ" 2019 "09-10-1984"
        "000012.SZ" 2020 "09-10-1984"
        "000014.SZ" 1999 "7/27/1987"
        "000014.SZ" 2000 "7/27/1987"
        "000014.SZ" 2001 "7/27/1987"
        "000014.SZ" 2002 "7/27/1987"
        "000014.SZ" 2003 "7/27/1987"
        "000014.SZ" 2004 "7/27/1987"
        "000014.SZ" 2005 "7/27/1987"
        "000014.SZ" 2006 "7/27/1987"
        "000014.SZ" 2007 "7/27/1987"
        "000014.SZ" 2008 "7/27/1987"
        "000014.SZ" 2009 "7/27/1987"
        "000014.SZ" 2010 "7/27/1987"
        "000014.SZ" 2011 "7/27/1987"
        "000014.SZ" 2012 "7/27/1987"
        "000014.SZ" 2013 "7/27/1987"
        "000014.SZ" 2014 "7/27/1987"
        "000014.SZ" 2015 "7/27/1987"
        "000014.SZ" 2016 "7/27/1987"
        "000014.SZ" 2017 "7/27/1987"
        "000014.SZ" 2018 "7/27/1987"
        "000014.SZ" 2019 "7/27/1987"
        "000014.SZ" 2020 "7/27/1987"
        "000016.SZ" 1999 "10-01-1980"
        "000016.SZ" 2000 "10-01-1980"
        "000016.SZ" 2001 "10-01-1980"
        "000016.SZ" 2002 "10-01-1980"
        "000016.SZ" 2003 "10-01-1980"
        "000016.SZ" 2004 "10-01-1980"
        "000016.SZ" 2005 "10-01-1980"
        "000016.SZ" 2006 "10-01-1980"
        "000016.SZ" 2007 "10-01-1980"
        "000016.SZ" 2008 "10-01-1980"
        Now I ran the following commands which I think is the most rudiment way of coding, Pardon me
        gen date2 = date(dateofincorporation, "DMY") // to convert those dateofincorporation having Date month year format
        gen date3 = date(dateofincorporation, "MDY") // to convert those dateofincorporation having month date year format
        format date3 %td
        format date2 %td
        /*Now the problem is with the dateofincorporation like 05-08-1989
        dateofincorporation date2 date3
        05-08-1989 05aug1989 08may1989
        *since date2 is correct, I had to replace it suitably. Hence I created, a new var
        gen date4=.
        replace date4=date2 if date4==.
        replace date4=date3 if date4==.
        format date4 %td
        gen year2=year(date4)
        gen age=year-year2 // My needed var
        Am I correct in my codes

        Last edited by Neelakanda Krishna; 28 Dec 2021, 07:17.


        • #5
          #5 overlooks #4.

          An answer is: try one solution and then another if that does not work.

          * Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
          input str64 incorp
          . gen year = year(daily(incorp), "DMY", 2021)
          (1 missing value generated)
          . l
               |     incorp   year |
            1. |  05-may-86   1986 |
            2. |  5/30/1984      . |
            3. | 05-05-1986   1986 |
          . replace year = year(daily(incorp), "MDY", 2021) if missing(year)
          (1 real change made)
          . l
               |     incorp   year |
            1. |  05-may-86   1986 |
            2. |  5/30/1984   1984 |
            3. | 05-05-1986   1986 |
          But there is no free lunch here if your data have inconsistent formats. It's not obvious whether e.g. "1/11/2020" means 11 January or 1 November if you have a mix of DMY and MDY input.


          • #6
            a minor economist ( to whom Nick is probably referring to, said once that "There's no such thing as a free lunch".
            Conversely, most of us know that there is such thing as a skipped lunch (and dinner, when things go really bad) during endless Stata sessions!
            Sticking with your query, I think that Nick (weird indeed ) provided all the answers you need to move forward.
            Kind regards,
            (StataNow 18.5)


            • #7
              Dear Carlo Lazzaro and @ Nick Cox. Thanks for the helping hand. Sorry dear Carlo, I was not grumbling but was indeed thankful when you gently step in for help. I was trying to fix the problem myself so that I won't trouble busy Stata forum. I am sorry I sounded like complaining. I really enjoy learning these things myself but need to get a clear answer from people like you who can say if I went wrong. I hope I haven't hurt both Nick and Carlo by my words


              • #8
                no need at all to apologize about anything.
                Everything I wrote was just for fun in this otherwise gloomy era.
                Enjoy staying with the Stata forum!
                Kind regards,
                (StataNow 18.5)

