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  • Optimal lags and Error-correction model

    Good morning everyone;

    I want to perform a cointegration with the Error correction model.

    Everything works fine. My data with optimal lags 1 and 2 are of the same order I(1).

    They are stationary in the first difference.

    However here is my code to determine if, in the first difference, they are stationary:

    varsoc dloga
    * Optimal lag = 2 by HQIC, SBIC, AIC
    varsoc dlogb
    * Optimal lag = 0 by HQIC, SBIC, AIC

    As you can see the optimal lag for the first difference of the second variable b is 0 with all criteria. I wanted to know if this would be a problem later in the estimation of my coefficients for the error correction model.

    Thanks in advance.


  • #2
    I do not see any reason why this should be a problem. You can estimate the error-correction model with the community-contributed ardl command. This command automatically determines the optimal lag orders. The varsoc command is not needed.

