Hello everyone,
I have five income quantiles (x-axis), three load-shedding status (category) and an index (y axis). I have been trying to get rid of '6' from the x axis, but I have not been able to do so. I wonder if someone could help me to do it. I mean is there any way to restrict the range of x axis? For example from 1 to 5 in my case here?
The codes I used to make this graph:
collapse (mean) meandir_index= dir_index (sd) sddir_index=dir_index (count) n=dir_index, by(quintileincome loadshedding)
generate hidir_index = meandir_index + invttail(n-1,0.025)*(sddir_index / sqrt(n))
generate lowdir_index = meandir_index - invttail(n-1,0.025)*(sddir_index / sqrt(n))
graph bar meandir_index, over(quintileincome) over(loadshedding)
graph bar meandir_index, over(quintileincome) over(loadshedding) asyvars
graph twoway (bar meandir_index quintileincome) (rcap hidir_index lowdir_index quintileincome), by(loadshedding)
I have five income quantiles (x-axis), three load-shedding status (category) and an index (y axis). I have been trying to get rid of '6' from the x axis, but I have not been able to do so. I wonder if someone could help me to do it. I mean is there any way to restrict the range of x axis? For example from 1 to 5 in my case here?
The codes I used to make this graph:
collapse (mean) meandir_index= dir_index (sd) sddir_index=dir_index (count) n=dir_index, by(quintileincome loadshedding)
generate hidir_index = meandir_index + invttail(n-1,0.025)*(sddir_index / sqrt(n))
generate lowdir_index = meandir_index - invttail(n-1,0.025)*(sddir_index / sqrt(n))
graph bar meandir_index, over(quintileincome) over(loadshedding)
graph bar meandir_index, over(quintileincome) over(loadshedding) asyvars
graph twoway (bar meandir_index quintileincome) (rcap hidir_index lowdir_index quintileincome), by(loadshedding)