I want to perform a SEM analysis for my dissertation
The outcome variable is 'depression' which is a binary variable
Out of the selected independent variables, some are nominal scale variables
For example 'living arrangement'. It has three categories: "Living alone", "Living with children", "Living with others"
In SEM you can include these kinds of variables as a factor variable (like we do in regression by putting 'i.variable')
How can I include this in SEM?
Thanks and Regards
The outcome variable is 'depression' which is a binary variable
Out of the selected independent variables, some are nominal scale variables
For example 'living arrangement'. It has three categories: "Living alone", "Living with children", "Living with others"
In SEM you can include these kinds of variables as a factor variable (like we do in regression by putting 'i.variable')
How can I include this in SEM?
Thanks and Regards