Hello all,
I have a fixed effects linear regression model with panel data. Do I use the Breusch-Pagan -hettest- after the -reg- command or do I use the Groupwise heteroscedasticity test -xttest3- after the -xtreg- command?
Which one is most valid to use? I have tried both and all models turn out with heteroscedasticity present, so I will correct with using -,robust- at the end of my command.
I have a fixed effects linear regression model with panel data. Do I use the Breusch-Pagan -hettest- after the -reg- command or do I use the Groupwise heteroscedasticity test -xttest3- after the -xtreg- command?
Which one is most valid to use? I have tried both and all models turn out with heteroscedasticity present, so I will correct with using -,robust- at the end of my command.