The data file is actually large. I append a few wv portfolio returns from 25 and rest are like these and the rmrf, smb hml here. Kindly go thro the same. I face this error when i run the code in #30.
variable vw_mean_mcap_q1_idiovol_q1_rt not found
variable vw_mean_mcap_q1_idiovol_q1_rt not found
* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex clear input float(mdate vw_mean_q1_idiovol_q1_rt vw_mean_q1_idiovol_q2_rt vw_mean_q1_idiovol_q3_rt vw_mean_q1_idiovol_q4_rt vw_mean_q1_idiovol_q5_rt rmrf smb hml) 498 -.01875001 -.05121103 -.05568177 -.09031922 -.18109927 -.08825827 -.0340242 -.08646767 499 .11624202 -.02311949 -.04741132 .0649683 .10649 .03660561 -.011668272 -.07789018 500 -.17689013 -.05115915 -.0818036 -.12644498 -.1752085 -.06799343 .011435956 -.025006384 501 .005199294 .05234666 .1335188 .12164114 .12352556 -.005838253 -.033997387 .019280683 502 .18793106 .2631455 .21076773 .1910256 .429712 .067996345 .001700103 .05373748 503 -.02757622 -.0906348 -.04683475 -.05799859 .0217266 .036718745 -.02844303 .00962173 504 -.023880575 -.014348214 .01893368 .016221179 -.007941992 -.032880142 -.03935827 .036588736 505 .06116208 .017591037 .08025517 .10289047 .07289464 .01120519 -.01941483 -.01057228 506 -.0634006 .072690725 .03002847 .08002245 .13589785 -.08240923 -.04902051 -.011406302 507 .09846156 .14879225 .259952 .28248906 .1888206 -.006891241 .03579893 .08402058 508 -.10924374 -.028179627 -.07654501 .036497302 .08880405 .15315036 .001694739 .1981089 509 .2421384 .2054436 .2210655 .3443336 .28077126 .10748383 .06410722 .00010087 end format %tm mdate