Dear All,
I am using ppmlhdfe to estimate the effect of PTAs on the initiation of trade disputes. The dependent variable is the number of trade disputes between countries i and j for a given year, which contains 84% of zeros since there isn't any trade dispute between many country pairs in a year. I have included control variables such as bilateral trade, real exchange rate, using country#year, target country#year, and country-pair fixed effects. The data is unbalanced, N=25,515 and T=40. prohibit, rules, norules are three mutually exclusive dummy variables indicating the restrictiveness of the trade defense rules in the PTA. Below is my code
The issue is when I add the three-way fixed effects, my regression outcome gives "(ReLU separation check: maximum number of iterations reached; aborting)". It also says "note: 1 variable omitted because of collinearity: prohibit". Besides, the number of observations used in the regression dropped to 15,000. But if I insert separation (none) in the code as below
The estimation results do not have the above messages, i.e., prohibit var has the coefficient though it is extremely small (7.31e-09) but with a very big z value ( -87.13). More importantly, no more the aforementioned red message. The number of observations used in the regression is 21,818, out of a total of 25,515.
I was wondering what is exactly separation doing and could I drop this option safely?
I am getting quite lost and I appreciate your help with this issue.
I am using ppmlhdfe to estimate the effect of PTAs on the initiation of trade disputes. The dependent variable is the number of trade disputes between countries i and j for a given year, which contains 84% of zeros since there isn't any trade dispute between many country pairs in a year. I have included control variables such as bilateral trade, real exchange rate, using country#year, target country#year, and country-pair fixed effects. The data is unbalanced, N=25,515 and T=40. prohibit, rules, norules are three mutually exclusive dummy variables indicating the restrictiveness of the trade defense rules in the PTA. Below is my code
ppmlhdfe dispute prohibit rules norules lag1_lnrer lag1_lnimp, a(year#target_code year#ad_code id) cluster(id) nolog
ppmlhdfe dispute prohibit rules norules lag1_lnrer lag1_lnimp, a(year#target_code year#ad_code id) cluster(id) separation(none) nolog
I was wondering what is exactly separation doing and could I drop this option safely?
I am getting quite lost and I appreciate your help with this issue.